Senior School Teaching & Learning

We offer our senior students a wide range of subjects, providing the foundations for a full and productive life beyond school, whether they are going on to tertiary education, vocational courses, traineeships, apprenticeships or employment.


Holistic Education

We are committed to bringing the best out in every student and inspiring them to achieve excellence through honour—their personal best. We want our students to be lifelong learners who are creative, innovators, having a positive attitude to learning, and are committed to being global citizens.  We value student wellbeing, and work to assist students to develop meaningful connections.

Pastoral Care is an important element of this holistic education, where we guide students through the challenges of early adolescence. We have a dedicated pastoral care program, covering content which is significant for each year level.

We are committed to our students becoming global citizens, driving us to explore service-learning opportunities as a means of encouraging our students to look outwardly. Service Learning is a method that combines learning in the classroom with meaningful community service. It provides valuable experiences in the development of the whole individual. Opportunities are created to make connections and develop partnerships, extend the boundaries of the classroom, foster civic responsibility and provide opportunities for student to develop their God-given talents so they may shape and enrich their world.

The College delivers a range of sporting programs. We believe that in a well-balanced curriculum all students need to be engaged in some physical activity.

My children have been very happy attending Prince of Peace for many years. The College has provided them with exceptional learning experiences, and the staff show a genuine care towards them. They have also benefited from their wonderful friendship groups. — Mrs H


Interhouse competitions take place throughout the year for cross country, swimming and athletics. Students can qualify to represent the College at district level and above.

Subject Options

Careers Education

In today’s workplaces, careers are carefully planned and constructed, rather than simply chosen.

An important part of the Prince of Peace curriculum in Year 10 is Careers Development, where students can actively plan and map their options, as part of their completion of short course in Career Education.

Career Development takes a holistic approach to helping your child, by recognising that to be successful and happy they need to be proactive, enterprising career managers who take an interest in lifelong learning.

Career development and work education is about life, work and learning. The world of work is complex and constantly changing, and is shaped by many aspects of our culture, society and personal circumstances including:

  • personal interests, values and beliefs.
  • workplace systems and reforms
  • technological advances that link economies and workplaces around the world.
  • global market demands for productivity and sustainability
  • legal, financial and ethical considerations underpinning the rights and responsibilities of employers and employees

The SET Plan

The Senior Education and Training (SET) Plan is a key strategy to encourage students to complete Year 12. The plan encourages students to think about their futures, consider their abilities and investigate options for careers and further education. It leads students through decision-making processes to consider a range of possibilities, the suitability of these choices to their abilities, beliefs and aspirations, and the likelihood they are opting for a pathway which, in the long term, is going to be rewarding and sustainable.

The SET Plan is developed at the end of Year 10 between the student, parents/carers and the College, culminating in a meeting to confirm the pathway and choice of subjects for the final two years of study.

Study Pathways

Students can choose what to study from a wide range of subjects and courses that count towards their Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE). The QCE is flexible and allows students to design the pathway that’s right for them—whether they are planning on heading to university, skilled work, TAFE or other training. This approach supports engagement in learning and helps students to develop skills for success in their future. To achieve a QCE, students must complete the set amount of learning, at the set standard, in the set pattern, and meet literacy and numeracy requirements.

Students can choose what to study from a wide range of subjects and courses:

  • QCAA subjects (General subjects, Applied subjects and short courses)
  • Vocational Education and Training (VET) courses offered by schools and external providers

Students taking General subjects will sit external assessments (set and marked by the QCAA) in Term 4 each year.

Tertiary Entrance

The ATAR (Australian Tertiary Admission Rank) will be the tool used to select school leavers for tertiary entrance from 2020. The ATAR is a finer-grained rank than the previous OP system, giving universities greater scope for making decisions about student entry to high-demand courses.

Queensland ATARs will be based on a student’s:

  • best five General subject results, or
  • best results in four General subjects, plus one Applied subject, or
  • best results in four General subjects, plus one VET qualification at Certificate III or above

The Queensland Tertiary Admissions Centre (QTAC) will calculate and issue students’ ATARs. You will find more information at

Awards of Recognition

The Prince of Peace awards procedure is designed to encourage every student to be the best he or she can possibly be. The award criteria provide an incentive for and recognition of student effort and achievement in academic, sporting, cultural and leadership arenas, and also in support of the ethos of the College.

Further information

Prince of Peace Lutheran College Awards Statement