Building Progress
Our Multi Purpose Hall and additional classrooms are well underway. Our new building sits on the side of a hill (no surprises there!), so there is quite a significant amount of site preparation that needs to be completed before foundations and the beginnings of a building become apparent. Many of the services needed to support the building have already been trenched and added in and over the next few weeks the building footprint will be levelled out. Weather permitting, hopefully by our return in 2023 most of the detailed work for footings and foundations will be coming along nicely.
Farewell Year 12s
In the past fortnight we have bid farewell to our Year 12 cohort of 2022, with a range of events held last week, culminating in a final chapel service on Friday morning where Bishop Mark Vainikka addressed our students. While many wait in anticipation for their ATAR results the next month, we can already congratulate many who have their ‘next step’ lined up and locked in. 19 of our students have been able to secure early entry places into various University courses, which is a tremendous achievement. We also have several students – one with an apprenticeship and one with an internship locked in. There have been many examples of academic excellence within our graduating students and, as a College, we wish them all the very best for their future endeavours.
P&F – Thankyou
This week sees the final Tuckshop run on the Junior Campus (in its current iteration) by a dedicated team of parents and volunteers who have been doing so now for the past four years. I would like to thank them all for their amazing commitment to making these days such fun for our students: from themes, dough, sorting M&Ms into individual colours, scouring the surrounding countryside for every Coles and Woolworths they could find in order to have enough stock for occasional items, dressing up, and everything else in between – thankyou all. This is not the only event or fundraiser our P&F have been putting time and effort into and I would like to thank everybody involved – from those with formal roles, those who attend meetings for ideas and support, and everybody who has been involved in running or assisting with an event throughout the year. Tuckshops, bookclubs, cookies, discos, Mother’s and Father’s Day stalls, the list goes on… thank you all!
Merry Christmas
As 2022 very quickly nears conclusion and we begin to see the end of the year rushing towards us all, we would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your support throughout the year. It has been a year with considerably more challenges than usual, and I also can’t thank and applaud our incredible staff enough for their tireless work and flexibility throughout the year.
I pray that you get to spend some quality time with your families and your children over the coming break, as we take this time every year to pause to reflect on the most incredible gift of grace and salvation that God offers to all of us, beginning with the birth of Christ. I wish you all a safe and Merry Christmas.
May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. (Romans 15:13)
Every blessing for the week ahead.
Simon Hughes
Head of College
There will be a food stall with steak burgers, sausages, chips and drinks.
POP OSHC Seeking Casual Staff
The Outside School Hours Care team are seeking applications for casual staff positions, immediate start for Vacation Care.
Applicants must be 18 years or over, hold a Blue Card and First Aid certificate.
Please send your resume to
Parents, Staff and Students – ‘Thank You!’
As the school year draws to a close, it is often a time to reflect on what has been. From the beginning of year COVID 19 restrictions, flooding and remediation of learning areas, it is hard not to be in awe of this community. A community that has pulled together, created and achieved despite challenges and obstacles. People who have embraced the difficult with grace and determination. In 2022, we have perhaps faced more challenges than most and come out learning and growing through it all. There is no doubt in my mind that Prince of Peace is a special place for precisely this reason.
A huge thank you to our parent community who have supported, upheld and championed your children. We value your involvement and partnership. From the Tuckshop volunteers, classroom helpers, excursion volunteers and everything in between, we know we are all better because of you and your willingness to be involved.
To our staff who are absolutely amazing, I salute you. They flicked back to online learning at the start of the year, helped shift many classrooms and learning areas during the year, all the while planning, organising and delivering learning programs. You held each other up when times were tough and rallied to provide those extra experiences that bring life and joy to our community. Your skill, dedication, energy and care is amazing. My hope is that you find some time in the holiday period to rest and recharge.
At this time, I want to thank the following staff; Mr Barben, Mrs Jacobsen, Mrs Bird, Mrs Rees and Mrs Monippally. We acknowledge your contribution to PoP and wish you every blessing for the next chapter.
And to our students who have embodied resilience, determination, courage, flexibility and hope, I thank you. Playgrounds have been out of action, learning spaces moved and some teacher changes have come your way, but you’ve adapted, overcome and grown through the challenges of 2022.
I am still in awe of this community. The energy and enthusiasm to bless others through the Christmas Community Challenge for– Gifts of Grace shows a heart that beats to serve. Prince of Peace community is a special place.
As the year that was 2022 comes to a close, I pray that above all else we remember those people in our Prince of Peace community who made it not only bearable, but made it an environment where so many could thrive, serve and laugh—our parents, our staff and your students.
While I may see many of you at the PoP Community Carols this coming Saturday 26 November, I want to wish all of you a blessed holiday period. May you find time to celebrate the birth of Jesus this Christmas and feel His peace and joy in our lives.
Be blessed and know that you are a blessing to others,
Anne-Marie Schmidt
Head of Campus – Junior
Semester 2, 2022 Report Cards
During the last week of term, student reports for Semester 2, 2022 will be issued via SEQTA. If you do not have access to your child’s report by the last day of term, please contact the College.
2023 Class Allocation
During the week of 5 December 2022, a SEQTA message will notify you of your child’s class for 2023.
Giving Thanks for a Wonderful Year at PoP
As I sit and reflect on my first year as a part of the Prince of Peace community, one-word springs to mind… Grateful. Grateful for the kind, welcoming families, grateful for the dedicated, hard-working staff and grateful for the beautiful students who are the heart of this special place. To be grateful is being warmly or deeply appreciative of kindness or benefits received.
During this past year, Prince of Peace has been a great source of benefit to many. A place of refuge during difficult times, a place to rest, to learn, to grow and flourish. 2022 has seen us face many adversities. Peter Marshall wrote ‘When we long for life without difficulties, remind us that oaks grow strong in contrary winds and diamonds are made under pressure’. This year has also blessed us with many opportunities and successes. Our students remind us daily of what it is to have resilience. During challenging times, it is how we pick ourselves up and continue moving forward which shows great strength of character. A great quote from Little Women is “I’m not afraid of storms, for I’m learning how to sail my ship.”
Ask yourself what challenges you faced that were tough? What did you learn through these challenges? Did you overcome challenges that you are proud of yourself for? What new strategies and techniques did you learn because of these challenges? As Christians, we can face life’s challenges knowing that we have a gracious and loving father who will always be there to lift us up over the troubled waters and give us His peace. ‘When you go through deep waters, I will be with you. When you go through rivers of difficulty, you will not drown. When you walk through the fire of oppression, you will not be burned up; the flames will not consume you’ Isaiah 43:2.
In the context of this passage, God reminds his people that they are precious to him. He formed them and redeemed them. He is not about to abandon them. No matter what challenges or difficulties they face, he will be with them to deliver them and bring them to safety and victory. We can accept this same promise; we also have the benefit of history to show God’s faithfulness. God will not forget his children! We know it by promise. We know it by history. We know it by faith!
As the school year comes to a close, it’s important for us all to take some time to reflect on the year and all of the growth and change that has happened. Each school year brings different challenges, twists, and turns. But on the other side of this acknowledgement, think about all the ways that you adapted, changed, and overcame those trials.
Whether you take some time to reflect by journaling in the peace and quiet, while out on a walk, or relaxing by the pool, I encourage you to make this a priority as you head into the holidays. It will help you decompress and leave this school year on a positive note so you can enjoy some well-deserved time with your children. Think about how you grew as a parent this year and how your children grew as learners and people. Growth doesn’t always have to be measured in test scores and grades. Growth can also be measured by the relationships formed and the kindness spread throughout the year.
If there’s anything this year taught me, it’s that relationships are everything. Relationships with students, parents, colleagues, and the wider community are essential. The good news is, no matter what 2023 holds, these connections and relationships will continue to grow with us.
I truly believe all the change from 2022 has only made our PoP community stronger, more effective, and more appreciated. Thank you for all the work you do in supporting our PoP community! We pray that you have a safe, blessed Christmas and a prosperous New Year.
Coreta Lennon
Deputy Head of Campus – Junior
This week will be our final for the year – Christmas Tuckshop – and our very last after 4 superb years!
Tuckshop during 2022 has been a very mixed bag of fun, challenges, and highlights. When the Qld Premier closed schools for a weather event (which did not occur, mind you) and after floods and with more surging of COVID cases, one tuckshop was cancelled in March. We were able to run the other 11 through the year.
Delivering to Gala Day sports venues, was not on our radar, until the week we found out of a mishap on the schedule. Well, all the other schools were envious – “Prince of Peace delivers their tuckshop!” was heard. Unbeknown to them, we were scrambling to supply all the orders that had been received prior to, and commandeering parents to drive out the lunches. Thank you to all the parents who offered their help in that time of need.
Another tuckshop saw a huge kitchen clean out at the last minute, as PoP was struggling with many issues around the grounds and classrooms. But we succeeded and overcame the challenges as a group, surrounded by the help of our school community.
Tuckshop also went Around the World! Japanese, Mexican (to celebrate Cinco de Mayo), and French (to acknowledge Bastille Day). We also went to EATaly (Italian) and celebrated Oktoberfest with our German menu.
Harry Potter was a theme again in Term 4. Children were ‘sorted’ into houses with their Sorting Hat cupcake (coloured choc drops being the hidden surprise and decision maker!). And I am sure Mrs Weasley would have been proud of our homemade sausage rolls that the team rolled out!
The initiative that started four years ago has been a joy to bring, many steps around the kitchen, smiling excited children, grateful parents, and some profits for the P&F at PoP. The aim at the start was that any proceeds were to go to resources and facilities for the students. And on this, we raised approximately $50,000 over the four years. REMARKABLE!
The purchase of fairy lights for the Music and Arts event nights, several appliances in the kitchen for us to cater to the shear number of orders being received, and specific items for the Gluten Free preparation area were a few of the smaller items.
However, with the majority, we have pledged through P&F for the monies to go to cooled water bubblers installed around Junior Campus, and outdoor sensory activities like fixed musical instruments, and wall mounted games. Any residual funds are being earmarked for BIG fans for The Shed.
Whilst those of us who are moving on won’t get the benefit of these for our own children, it is with full hearts we leave a legacy that many, many will appreciate.
A few people to thank – the team of parents who consistently attend and volunteer for P&F Meetings and roles, especially Billy Govan, our long standing Treasurer. Also, to the admin team and groundstaff who supported us all the way.
But my utmost gratitude:
The core team of this wonderful Tuckshop group who have been with me for the entire four years – Joy McKinnon, Emma Nicolls, Ariane McKinnon, and Suzanne Webb (who took on the huge commitment as our gluten free baker, ensuring all preparations and packaging were avoiding cross contamination in a communal kitchen).
A special mention also to Ainsley Hellen, Amber Dean, Shannon Glentworth, Linda Fowler, Lisa Scott, Emma Watson, Sarah McConaghy, Karen Campbell, and Rebecca Hitchenson, who have helped out on many tuckshop days.
As we see out 2022, we send you our Christmas Blessings !
Annette Jacobs
Tuckshop Convenor
International Competitions and Assessments for Schools
The International Competitions and Assessments for Schools, or ICAS for short, is an independent, skills-based assessment program. ICAS recognises and rewards student achievement in areas such as English, maths, science, spelling, writing and digital technologies. The series of tests are designed to match and test skills that are learned in the school classroom.
These tests are updated annually to ensure that they accurately measure levels of understanding and capabilities in different subject areas. The tests are reviewed by experienced teachers to ensure that accurate assessment of students’ skills and relevance to classroom topics.
Students in over 20 countries including Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong, India, Malaysia, Singapore, South Africa and the United States participate in ICAS each year. Each test is sat at the student’s school and is invigilated by teachers under normal examination conditions.
Students who undertake the ICAS test are ranked based on their percentile in each year level across every participating state (Australia) and country:
- Top 1% of students receive a High Distinction
- The next 10% of students receive a Distinction
- The following 25% of students receive a Credit
- The next 10% of students receive a Merit Certificate
- All other students receive a Participation Certificate

Edward Burrows received the Mathematics Medal for top marks in his year level within Queensland
This year we had students from Years 2-6 participating in the ICAS assessments and we are so proud of their participation and achievement. We would particularly like to acknowledge the efforts of the following students who received High Distinctions and Distinctions.
Digital Technologies Distinction
- Isabella Sirman
Science Distinction
- Oliver Burrows
- Joshua Pei
- Rosezen Johnston
Maths Distinction
- Oscar Thomas
- Isabella Sirman
- Camille Coote
- Joshua Pei
Maths High Distinction
- Oliver Burrows
- Edward Burrows
Special recognition goes to Edward Burrows who also received the Mathematics Medal which is awarded for the top marks in each year level in Queensland. Congratulations Edward.
Rebekah Bruyn
Learning Coach
Junior Campus Awards Recipients
Congratulations to our Servant Heart, Excellence of Effort, Cultural and Sporting awards recipients for Semester 2. Note that our Year 6 recipients will be announced next Thursday at the Year 6 Celebration Evening.
Servant Heart
Adya Bhattacharjee
Amelie Sirman
Travis Jolly
Amalia Groppa
Amia Breslin
Eliana Walker
Bella Coppo
Edith Garrihy
Sarah Hitchenson
Dorothy Mulhall
Oliver Chivers
Aleksander Dargaville
Maxwell Ooge
Maya Alonso
Elise van Dijk
Luca Larder
Seryn Aldred
Year 1
Servant Heart
Grayson Reid
Asha Shaw
Viyan Ravaz
Nerida Madden
Amelia Hungerford
Antonio Valbert-Smith
Dylan Caplice
Ashleigh Johnson
Aleisha Houslip
Year 2
Servant Heart
Oliver De Brabander
Lucille Donaldson
Maya McKinnon
Levi Haddow-Luke
Emilia Hughes
Wyatt Doolan
Maddison Thorburn
Pelin Shevket
Freda Phillips
Alexander McInnes
Indi Kerr
Year 3
Servant Heart
Lillian Mullen
Thomas Brown
Matilda Amos
Camille Coote
Millicent Garrihy
Jacob Collis
Phoebe O’Flynn
Lucy Dempster
Lennox Veentjer
Year 4
Servant Heart
Hannah Tay
Lawrence Zivec
Oskat Tuer
Piper Spain
Laura Larder
Ahana Bajaj
James Stedman
Clara Schulz
Sophie Attinger
Xavier Stout
Year 5
Servant Heart
Lucia Johnson
Amelia Fletcher
Rosezen Johnston
Emma Phillips
Samantha Harman
Ava Morey
Alira De Brabander
Lily Isles
Lottie McKinnon
Addison Brooke-Thomson
Mitchell Downie
Antonia Vargas Narvaez
Charlie Gilfillan
Dylan Pramana
Excellence of Effort
Hudson Michel-Free
Isak Pandzo
Amalia Groppa
Harper Kerr
Roland Coote
Jonas Ekevall
Travis Jolly
Greyson Swann
Edith Garrihy
Indiana Zondag
Isabella Zondag
Esmae Norcross
Elise Van Dijk
Maxwell Ooge
Georgia Strange
Grace Bliesner
Denzel Pramana
Cruz Holmes
Year 1
Excellence of Effort
Ally Griffin
Amelia Lincoln
Lily Shaw
Sophie Sligo
Zoe Fardon
Jack Speed
Audrey Allan
Winslow Bourke
Matilda Burrows
Savannah Cooper
Aleisha Houslip
Dexter Quinlan
Parker Perry
Harriet Johns
Year 2
Excellence of Effort
Darcy Drinkwater
Zara Wilkinson
William Blazey
Patrick Cornford
Joel Ng
Oliver Sharpe
Aurora Ekevall
William Hellen
Benjamin Isles
Roman Jolly
Kristof Oberhardt
Kobe Reynolds
Year 3
Excellence of Effort
Matilda Amos
Alexia Jones
Liana Joby
Sam Zheng
Isabella Fuge
Joshua Sullivan
Ivy Vincent
Jacob Collis
Camille Coote
Millicent Garrihy
Lola Powell
Isabella Sirman
Theodore Weeks
Ava Wolton
Alex Langdon
Jack Fardon
Jackson Burridge
Annabelle Strange
Lucy Dempster
Arnica Hall
Year 4
Excellence of Effort
Lucy Glynn
Elizabeth McKenzie-Fowle
Emily McLean
Oskar Tuer
Holly Griffin
Annabelle Zammit
Piper Spain
Chase Phillips
Thomas Horswill
Oliver Burrows
Emma Spargo
Bethany Franklin
James Stedman
Jennifer Labuschagne
Isla Anthonisz
Ahana Bajaj
William Russell
Laura Larder
Adele Assanova
Maddison Baker
Nicolas Pedrero Cardona
Annalise Richardson
Zoey Speed
Xavier Stout
Milla Ullman
Deakan Thompson
Kaiden Webster
Year 5
Excellence of Effort
Lucia Johnson
Rosezen Johnston
Hannah McKinnon
Elliette Nicol
William Thomas
Haris Pandzo
Amelia Fletcher
Emma Phillips
Patrick Falk
Joshua Pei
Kayleigh Crook
Addison Brooke-Thomson
Lily Isles
Lottie McKinnon
Julius Oberhardt
Alexander Ekevall
Tobias Starr
Olivia Martin
James Robson
Easton McGowan
Emma Zheng
Owen Phillips
Ethan Cavill
Lucas Phillips
Jazz Brar
Ivy Langdon
Easton McGowan
Servant Heart Medallion
Edith Garrihy
Year 1
Servant Heart Medallion
Asha Shaw
Year 2
Cultural Honours
Emma Juanita Valencia Vega
Servant Heart Medallion
Freda Phillips
Year 3
Servant Heart Medallion
Lucy Dempster
Year 4
Cultural Honours
Bethany Franklin
Cultural Excellence
Jeremiah Rees
Milla Ullman
Sophie Attinger
Emma Spargo
Lighthouse Leadership
Xavier Stout
Servant Heart Medallion
Oskar Tuer
Year 5
Cultural Honours
Lucia Johnson
Hannah McKinnon
Lottie McKinnon
Cultural Excellence
Ava Morey
Elliette Nicol
Sporting Honours
William Thomas
Lighthouse Leadership
Patrick Falk
Servant Heart Medallion
Charlie Gilfillan
Gifts of Grace Donation from Disco Funds
The organisers of the recent Junior Campus Fluoro Disco wanted to thank families for supporting the evening, and especially all the volunteers who made it possible.
The night was a great success in more ways than one, with a total $1,151.34 raised from the night, being donated to the Gifts of Grace program, specifically to the ‘School Water Program’.
Celebrating the Year 12 Graduates of 2022
It has been a real blessing to be able to celebrate the growth and development of our Year 12 Graduates for 2022 with our students, parents, special friends, and staff (present and past) over the last week at the Valedictory Dinner and Year 12 Farewell Service. We are thankful to parents and our Year 12 Graduates in allowing us the privilege of sharing in your learning journey. Thank you to all of our Year 12 Graduates for what they have done and been for us at Prince of Peace. We know that regardless of what happens on the results day, each of our Graduates have been created as a unique child of God, who has given them a purpose and great hope for the future.
Our prayer for our Graduates is that God will give them the courage, strength, and faith to move into the next steps of their lives with conviction, a service heart and hope. May the blessings of God be with them all always as He walks beside them each step of the way.
Year 12 Valedictory Awards
Awards are part of the celebration of living in a Christ-centred community, recognising the gifts and talents our Lord has blessed us with and celebrating the growth in the lives of our young people. We recognise student achievement in many ways throughout the year in Awards Assemblies and the Year 12 Final Assembly. However, it has been a tradition at Prince of Peace to recognise the service of our young people through a variety of community and College awards at the Valedictory Dinner.
We congratulate the students listed in the tables below on their outstanding service to the College in receiving their awards.
In our Year 12 Farewell Service we sang the Christmas Blessing as a community, a Lutheran blessing, in the final moments of our time together. May these words stay with our Year 12s as they step into their bright and promising future with the firm foundation that has been built for them at Prince of Peace.
May the feet of God walk with you, and his hand hold you tight.
May the eye of God rest on you, and his ear hear your cry.
May the smile of God be for you, and his breath give you life.
May the Child of God grow in you, and his love bring you home.
As the School Year Closes
As we close the year of 2022 may the blessing of God be with all our students, staff and families and know that every student is dearly loved and special creations in the eyes of God, your parents, and staff here at Prince of Peace.
Christmas reminds us of the gift of life and hope that came through the birth of Jesus, a human representation of God on earth. Each of us are a precious child of God who has purpose and meaning. May this good news of the Christmas story echo into your lives as you continue to live your life with conviction, strength, and faith.
May the blessings of God be with you always as he walks beside you each step of the way in this life.
As we come to the final days of the 2022 school year, may we be reminded of the gift of light and hope that we have given to those in need through Australian Lutheran World Service. May the love of Christ shine brightly in the communities that need it in our world. May this experience inspire acts of service in our local communities this Christmas as we start our holiday break. We pray for a peace filled Christmas and New Year break and that we return to 2023 safely and with our hearts and minds full to embrace the opportunities that come our way.
Every blessing for a safe Christmas holiday period and we look forward to coming together in 2023 as we continue to nurture the God given potential of the young people in our care.
Sarah Hoff-Zweck
Head of Campus – Middle and Senior
Senior Campus Awards Recipients
Congratulations to our Servant Heart, Excellence of Effort, Cultural and Sporting awards recipients for Semester 2. Note that our Year 7- 9 recipients will be announced at assembly next week.
Year 10
Servant Heart
Flynn Bohan
Alana Bomgaars
Lucas Cantarella
Keirah Chatto
Miles Chewe
Ned Dyer
Ryan Eaglestone
Jasmine Everitt
Ella Forbes
Freya Forbes-Schutz
Ellen Hamilton
Emma Henderson
Alexis Hulcombe
Nathan Lilly
Jemima Maud-Singh
Mercedes McIver
Raghubir Nagpal
Chloe Noon
Amber Paul
Lachlan Robson
Emily Rowland
Charlotte Scott
Abigail Tay
Dylan Turley
Harry Valencia
Year 11
Servant Heart
Keira Andretzke
Patrick Austin
Kiara Blake
Indiana Brown
Zane Cargill
Holley Collis
Jonas Forbes-Schutz
Zach Fraser
Laura Horsington
William Hulcombe
Christiaan Labuschagne
Xavier Sivyer
Mikayla Swift
Lilly Thom
Asher Waverley-SmithKeira Andretzke
Patrick Austin
Kiara Blake
Indiana Brown
Zane Cargill
Holley Collis
Jonas Forbes-Schutz
Zach Fraser
Laura Horsington
William Hulcombe
Christiaan Labuschagne
Xavier Sivyer
Mikayla Swift
Lilly Thom
Asher Waverley-Smith
Year 12
Servant Heart
Jay-R Apilado
Toby Bunt
Declan Cook
Elsie Corlis
Lewis Dallow
Huey Duncan
Ashleigh Eaglestone
Rosina Floriani
Austin Haines
Chloe Healy
Lauren Horswill
Gabriel Kassiou
Hamish McDonald
Jayke Merrell
Caitlyn Mlynarik
Talitha Montgomery
Nelson Morse
Tyler Noakes
Heidi Noon
Maya Pingel
William Ridgwell
Adam Rowland
Emlyn Steele
Mackenna Tom
Patrick Vayro
Year 10
Excellence of Effort
Elijah Beard
Gideon Beard
Flynn Bohan
Alana Bomgaars
Lucas Cantarella
Miles Chewe
Giaan Cook
Ryan Eaglestone
Jasmine Everitt
Ella Forbes
Freya Forbes-Schutz
Aidan Gardso
Harrison Haines
Ellen Hamilton
Emma Henderson
Abbi Hewitt
Lucinda Hocking
Alexis Hulcombe
Sofia Katergaris
Nathan Lilly
Jemima Maud-Singh
Mercedes McIver
Lilly Moore
Chloe Noon
Diezel Paget
Amber Paul
Ryan Pustolla
Jake Ridgwell
Chloe Robins
Charlotte Scott
Angus Sneddon
Grayce Stephenson
Abigail Tay
Dylan Turley
Lewyn Turnell
Harry Valencia
Year 11
Excellence of Effort
Keira Andretzke
Sophi Armanno
Patrick Austin
Kiara Blake
Siena Bramwell
Indiana Brown
Grace Doyle
Olivia Farrar
Christiaan Labuschagne
Benjamin Lewis
Mia Parry-Close
Xavier Sivyer
Elke Sokimi
Mikayla Swift
Phoebe Tobin
Year 12
Excellence of Effort
Declan Cook
Elsie Corlis
Ashleigh Eaglestone
Rosina Floriani
Jasmine Hancox
Chloe Healey
Benjamin Hoffman
Lauren Horswill
Gabriel Kassiou
Talitha Montgomery
Nelson Morse
Jordan Muduioa
Tyler Noakes
Heidi Noon
Maya Pingel
William Ridgwell
Thomas Tucker
Josie Swift
Jacob Williams
Zachary Williams
Year 10
Cultural Honours
Miles Chewe
Raghubir Nagpal
Abigail Tay
Elijah Walsh
Cultural Excellence
Jasmine Everitt
Ellen Hamilton
Chloe Noon
Amber Paul
Sporting Honours
Dylan Turley
Sporting Excellence
Ella Forbes
Freya Forbes-Schutz
Chloe Noon
Emily Rowland
Alexandra van de Leur
Elijah Walsh
Servant Heart Medallion
Emma Henderson
ADF Long Tan Leadership Award
Ned Dyer
ADF Future Innovators Award
Flynn Bohan
Year 11
Cultural Honours
Mikayla Swift
Cultural Excellence
Laura Horsington
Sporting Excellence
Grace Doyle
Jonas Forbes-Schutz
Servant Heart Medallion
Patrick Austin
Year 12
Cultural Excellence
Rosina Floriani
Mackenna Tom
Cultural Honours
Loki Mikulec
Caitlyn Mlynarik
Heidi Noon
Ryan Orford
Isabelle Till
Patrick Vayro
Sporting Excellence
Heidi Noon
Thomas Tucker
Sporting Honours
Jayke Merrell
Lighthouse Honour
Jasmine Hancox
Jayke Merrell
Talitha Montgomery
William Ridgwell
Emlyn Steele
Mackenna Tom
Patrick Vayro
ADF Long Tan Leadership
Rosina Floriani
ADF Future Innovators
Adam Rowland
Cultural Ambassador of the Year
Josie Swift
Servant Heart Medallion
MacKenna Tom
The Spirit of Prince of Peace
William Ridgewell
Middle & Senior Campus Sport
Senior School Inter-house Swimming Carnival
Our Senior School Inter-house Swimming Carnival was finally able to be held in Week 7 of Term 4 at the Albany Creek Leisure Centre. The day was a fantastic opportunity for staff and students to take a little break from what has been a very hectic Term 4 and also a nice way for our Year 12s to spend some time together and with other members of the school community prior to their graduation at the end of the week.
Congratulations to the following students who were our Age Champions on the day.
12 yrs – Jade Lewis and Finn Sorpassa
13 yrs – Addison Houslip and Levi Larder
14 yrs – Georgia Bean and Harvey Turnell
15 yrs – Freya Forbes-Schutz and Lewyn Turnell
16 yrs – Keira Andretzke and Xavier Sivyer
17yrs – Heidi Noon and Jonas Forbes-Schutz
18 yrs – Talitha Montgomery and Isabelle Till and Adam Rowland
Fraser house took out the day with 567 points, with Laver in 2nd place, Jackson coming 3rd and Bradman in 4th.
Congratulations to all swimmers who competed on the day!
Football Fixture vs Mt Maria
Our Senior Boys and Girls Football teams headed over to Mt Maria on Friday 18 November to compete in a friendly fixture. Our football teams have been starved of game time for the past couple of years due to COVID and a lack of quality competitions available in our area. We are hoping to continue this partnership into 2023.
The senior girls played a great brand of football and were unlucky not to score within the first few minutes of the game. They eventually went down 3-0 but the score line certainly did not indicate the how tight the game was.
The senior boys team got off to a great start as well, and again were unlucky not to grab an early lead. As the game progressed, the hot weather certainly affected the team and with only 2 subs, made it difficult to continue playing at the same level that they began the game with. By full time, Mt Maria had managed to take the win 4-0.
Congratulations to all participants!
Gabby Collman
Sports Coordinator
HPE, Science and Mathematics Teacher
Junior Campus Music News
The Junior Campus Band played some Christmas Carols for the Preppies last week, they absolutely loved it.
Last Tuesday our students in the music program played in their final Music Room concert to a well-deserved round of applause!
Sherree Cudney
Junior Campus Music
Middle & Senior Campus Music News
Thank You
As 2022 draws to a close I would like to thank all of our Senior Campus music families. Your dedication and enthusiasm for music is an inspiration, and feeds my soul every day. I thank God for each and every one of you and hope that you enjoy a blessed Christmas and holiday season full of restorative activities and quality family time.
PoP Community Carols are on this weekend with the involvement of students, staff and families from the Junior, Middle and Senior Campuses and the Prince of Peace Church. The date is 6pm on the evening of Saturday 26 November. Please put this into your diaries and make sure to join us.
There will be no rehearsals called in Week 9 but there are a few private lessons still running. Check with your tutor. If in doubt your appointment reminders will be in SEQTA!
Stay Tuned!
Linda Brady
Middle & Senior Campus Curriculum Leader of Music and Coordinator of Extra-Curricular Music
Shrek Musical Rehersal
A fun photo-shoot capturing some of the laughter and drama of students rehearsing for the College Musical, Shrek. This was a run-through of the very final scene of the production—the wedding of Fiona with Lord Farquaad being interrupted by Shrek and the fairy-tale creatures.
Sunday 27 November
9am Worship
Youth@PoP — 3:30 to 5pm
5pm Together@5
Please keep an eye on the Prince of Peace Church Facebook page for service updates.