Term 1 Week 2 | 5 February 2025
College News

Strength Through Unity: A Vision for 2025

Welcome to the 2025 school year! I am deeply grateful for the warm welcome I have received as I step into this remarkable College Community. Your kindness and openness have made my transition seamless, and I extend my sincere thanks to each of you. This year, we embark on our journey under the guiding theme: Strength Through Unity. This theme stems from our collective aspiration to foster One College—an institution with streamlined processes, a shared strategic direction, and a strong alignment with the directives of the College Council.

An inclusive data informed approach incorporating staff, parent, and student voice has been developed from a comprehensive data set. In 2024, parents, students, and staff were invited to participate in a comprehensive MMG survey and reports of findings were provided to the College. Using these results and additional key academic performance indicators, including NAPLAN data (Years 3, 5, 7, and 9) and Year 12 results, we have mapped our strengths and areas for growth. Furthermore, we began the College year with all staff involved in the mapping.  This has allowed us to shape a contemporary data and research informed plan.

Our commitment remains to create avenues for open dialogue and action-oriented initiatives. We will ensure that feedback from students, parents, and staff is thoughtfully integrated into our strategies. Responsive changes will be made to meet the needs identified in the survey data. Once finalised and approved by the College Council, our Annual Plan and Strategic Plan will be made available on our website.

As we move forward in the spirit of Strength Through Unity, our efforts will be anchored in four strategic pillars:

POPPATHWAYS –  Personalised Learning Journeys: This pillar is dedicated to refining our College Learning Design by integrating differentiation and Universal Design for Learning, ensuring a highly personalised educational journey for your child. With a sharp focus on individual pathways for growth and performance, we tailor teaching strategies to meet each student’s unique needs. By doing so, we cultivate an engaging, dynamic, and effective learning environment that empowers every learner to reach their full potential.

POPENRICH – Expanding Enrichment Opportunities: Our commitment to enrichment extends beyond academics. POPENRICH will shape all the extracurricular programs available across the College. This year, we are expanding our offerings in response to insights gained from the survey data, ensuring a diverse and engaging range of activities for all students.

POPACTIVE – Encouraging Physical and Sporting Excellence:  POPACTIVE fosters student engagement in physical activities and sports. This includes outdoor education camps, school sporting clubs (such as cross country), and extracurricular activities like Auskick. We are also strengthening our partnerships with local sporting clubs, such as equestrian programs, to provide broader opportunities for students to thrive in physical pursuits.

POPCONNECT – Strengthening Community Partnerships: A thriving school community is built on strong connections. POPCONNECT will drive our Community Partnership Program, fostering meaningful engagement between students, parents, caregivers, and College leaders. Key initiatives include biannual College Student Summits and POPCONNECT Meetings. Through Student Leadership Pathways, year-level representatives will contribute ideas to the Student Leadership Council (SLC), which will refine and present them at the College Student Summit. Elected students will collaborate with the Head of College, P&F, and College Council representatives to implement and review student-led initiatives. POPCONNECT meetings will further strengthen family engagement, providing a vital platform for year-level representatives to meet each term with College leadership. These meetings will ensure that feedback, ideas, and collaborative efforts shape and enhance the learning experience for all.

As we shape the future of our College with Strength Through Unity, grounded in hope, courage, service, and grace, we invite you to embrace these emerging opportunities. The apostle Paul reminds us in 1 Corinthians 12:12-27 that just as the human body has many parts, each with a unique role, so too does Christ’s body, the Church. Likewise, our College thrives when we unite our diverse skills, interests, and abilities with a shared purpose. Together, as One College with God at the centre, we can build a strong, connected community.

As we undertake this work, let us be guided by Scripture:

“Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God has forgiven you” (Ephesians 4:32).

May this inspire us to foster a community of kindness, empathy, and collaboration in shaping the best learning environment for our students.

Yours in Christ,

Dr Susan Carter
Head of College

P&F Communications

P&F Meeting Dates for 2025

All dates are Wednesdays, commencing 7.00pm.

Term 1

February 12 (Junior Campus)

March 12 (Middle & Senior Campus)

April 23 on fourth week of the month due to holidays (Junior Campus)

Term 2

May 14 (Middle & Senior Campus)

June 11 (Junior Campus)

Term 3

FYI:  State of Origin Dates: (G1 28 May | G2 18 Jun | G3 09 Jul)

July 16 on third week of the month due to holidays (Middle & Senior Campus)

August 20 on third week of the month due to Ekka public holiday (Junior Campus)

September 17 (Middle & Senior Campus)

Term 4

October 08 (Junior Campus)

November 12 (Middle & Senior Campus)

Keeping You in the Loop

Throughout the year, the College communicates with families through various channels, including SEQTA, phone, letter, email, and in-person meetings. These methods are used for important, urgent, or time-sensitive information.

In addition, there are several other avenues we use to keep our families up to date with what is happening around the College: 


SEQTA is our primary Learning Management System, serving as the main communication platform between the College and parents/caregivers.

Through SEQTA, teachers and administration staff can send direct messages, share important notices, and provide updates on assessments, results, student timetables, and reports. Parents and caregivers can also communicate directly with teachers, ensuring seamless collaboration. All correspondence is securely archived within the system for easy reference.

By using SEQTA, we aim to keep families informed and engaged in their child’s learning journey.

Get the SEQTA Engage App for iPhones »

Get the SEQTA Engage App for Android Phones »

Social Websites

Our Facebook and Instagram pages are constantly updated with posts, photos, notices and videos covering the buzz of activity happening around the College.  Please ‘Follow’ our pages, and be sure to like, comment and share posts with the rest of our fabulous PoP community.

We also maintain a Facebook group dedicated to our PoP Alumni, and we advertise Employment Opportunities at the College website on our LinkedIn page.

💡 Did you know— Our very active Second Hand Uniform Buy & Sell Facebook group is a great place to buy/sell second hand uniforms or post your ‘uniform items I need’ list, and there is also a PoP Book Week costumes Facebook group to join where you can buy, swap, sell or give away costumes.

College Website

Stay up to date with the latest information on book lists, term dates, uniforms, student portal links, Kindy details, club information, OSHC details, bus services, and more.

The Services section is a great place to start exploring everything you need.

Fortnightly Newsletter

Our fortnightly online newsletter keeps families informed with the latest news, sporting results, music events, uniform updates, community highlights, and more.

To ensure you never miss an edition, we notify families through SEQTA, Facebook, via email and the College App each time a new newsletter is released.

You can always view the current edition of POPCORN via the link in the ‘MyPoP’ Parent Portal on the College website or explore past editions in the POPCORN Newsletter archives.

Online Calendar

Our online College calendar is maintained with all important events and activities. You can even save events directly to your personal calendar with just a click.

Access the calendar via:
✅ The button at the top of our each page on our website
✅ The College mobile app
✅ The bottom of each POPCORN newsletter edition

Stay organised and never miss an important date.

School App

Stay connected with the College on the go, with our mobile app, you can:

✅ Receive reminders and notifications about College events
✅ Notify us of student absences quickly and easily
✅ Read the latest newsletters
✅ Contact the College directly, and more.

Download the app for free from the App Store (Apple devices) or Google Play (Android devices) by searching for Prince of Peace Lutheran College. Show me how »

💡 Did you know? You can customize your app notifications to receive updates specific to your child’s year level? It only takes a few seconds to update, and now, at the start of the school year, it is the perfect time to check your settings — especially if they’re still set to last year’s.  Show me how »

‘MyPoP’ Parent Portal

The ‘MyPoP’ section of our College website is your central hub for all parent-related resources. Whether you need to check term dates, or browse photo galleries of College events, you’ll find it all conveniently in one place.

You can access the hub anytime by clicking the ‘MyPoP’ button located at the very top of each page in our College website.

Digital Signage

Keep yourself in the loop by checking our digital signage at the entrance to each campus. These screens are regularly updated with key information to ensure students, parents, and staff stay informed about upcoming activities, reminders, and special announcements.

Next time you’re entering the campus, take a moment to glance at the screens to keep up to date.

If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions about our communication methods, we’d love to hear from you. Please don’t hesitate to reach out—I’m happy to assist.

Matthew Noon
Digital Communications Officer

Announcing the PoP Running Club!

We are thrilled to announce the launch of a new initiative designed to promote physical fitness, team spirit, and a love for running: the PoP Running Club!

The Club will be open to students from Years 3-12, providing an opportunity for individuals to get active, challenge themselves, and build healthy habits. Whether you are a seasoned runner or a beginner, the club is a great place to learn, improve, and stay motivated. It will also assist in preparing you for our Interhouse, NISSA and representative Cross Country seasons. Together, we will set goals, have fun, and work toward achieving personal milestones in a supportive and encouraging environment.

Our club will meet every Wednesday morning from 7.00am-7.45am on the Middle & Senior Campus oval. We will vary our sessions with group runs, short distance/sprint work and hill runs. We are also looking to participate in the local parkrun once we get the club up and running.

The first session will be held in Week 4; Junior Campus students will have access to the school bus to make their way back to their campus and will leave at approximately 8.10am from the bus bay at the top of the Middle & Senior Campus.

If you are interested in joining the PoP Running Club, please send a message via SEQTA to either Mrs Schneider (for students Yr 3-6), or Miss Collman (for Yr 7-12).

You do not need to be a competitive runner to join—just bring your enthusiasm and willingness to have fun!

We can’t wait to get started and see everyone hit the pavement!

Mrs Jessica Schneider (Junior Campus Sports Coordinator) and Miss Gabrielle Collman (Middle & Senior Campus Sports Coordinator)

Success Posts are Back!

Pre-Covid we published Student Success Posts to highlight those students excelling in sports, culture, or academics. These posts were shared within our PoP Community through POPCORN and with our local community through Social Media. This year we are going to re-introduce this wonderful initiative, but we need your help! If your child is succeeding in their area of interest or has a real passion they would like to share, whether it be sports, culture or academic, then we would love to hear from you. Simply send a few sentences about their achievement or accomplishment and a few great photos of them participating in their activity.

Please note: Success Posts are posted on Social Media and include both a name and a photo of your child. Hence, your child will need to have Media Permission with PoP to be involved in this initiative.

Posts can be sent to either Matthew Noon (our Digital Communications Officer) at mnoon@princeofpeace.qld.edu.au or Donna Cook (our Community Development & Enrolments Manager) at dcook@princeofpeace.qld.edu.au.

Second Hand Uniform Stall Soars

A heartfelt thank you to Phil and Helen Yeoh for their outstanding efforts in organizing and running our very first Second-Hand Uniform Stall at the recent Junior Campus Meet & Greet morning. Through their generous donation of time and energy, they meticulously sorted and displayed hundreds of items, helping us raise over $1,400 – a truly fantastic result! These funds will be used to acquire additional student resources across both campuses. A big thank you as well to all of our wonderful shoppers!

The items sold on the day were donated by families to the College. If you have any items you wish to donate, please bring them to Reception.

Junior Campus News

Welcome Back – It’s So Good to See You!

Our vibrant Junior Campus has come alive with the wonderful hum of learning, the joy of reconnecting with friends, playful squeals, and lively handball banter. The beautiful weather has been perfect for the Year 3 to Year 6 swimming lessons, which are now underway. While our staff worked tirelessly in preparation for the first day, the true magic happens when the children arrive—bringing our community to life as we share stories and embark on another year of learning together.

It was fantastic to see so many of you at the Parent Information Sessions earlier this week. The connections we build and the sense of community at PoP are truly special. For those who couldn’t attend, the PowerPoint presentations will be available in the SEQTA portal for your convenience.

Strength Through Unity – Our Theme for 2025

This year, our College is embracing the theme “Strength Through Unity”—a reflection of our commitment to fostering a supportive and inclusive environment where every individual is valued and encouraged to thrive.

Through collaboration, respect, and shared purpose, we will strengthen our connections, celebrate diversity, and empower one another to achieve our best. Together, we look forward to a year filled with growth, learning, and meaningful experiences.

A Special Welcome to New Families and Staff

A warm welcome to all our new families, especially our Prep students who are settling in beautifully. It has been wonderful to see their excitement and enthusiasm as they begin their learning journey at PoP!

We are also delighted to welcome Dr. Susan Carter, our new Head of College. She has been busy getting to know the PoP community, and I encourage both children and parents to introduce yourselves—she loves hearing your stories and learning about what makes PoP so special.

We are learning about the many skills she has and the depth of her experience in education as we journey together.  We now know that she absolutely loves sport and was pretty good at the pick-up game of basketball we had today with one of our new basketball hoops, purchased with the money from the Colour Fun Run.

Ms Naomi Walsh has joined our team as Junior Campus Learning Coach and Year 6 teacher! In this role, she will mentor and support staff, fostering collaboration and enhancing teaching practices to create engaging, student-centered learning experiences.

A Learning Coach empowers teachers by refining instructional strategies, using data to drive student success, and encouraging reflective practice. This ensures our curriculum not only meets high standards but also inspires curiosity, creativity, and a lifelong love of learning in every child.

Some of Ms Walsh’s key responsibilities include:

  • Leading POPENRICH extension programs such as Maths Olympiad, Readers Cup, ICAS, and classroom differentiation strategies.
  • Supporting school improvement initiatives and aligning teaching practices with College priorities.

We look forward to an exciting year ahead as our students, families, and staff learn, grow, and thrive together!

Be Blessed

Anne-Marie Schmidt
Head of Campus – Junior


As we embark on a new school year, we extend a warm welcome to each one of you! Whether you’re returning to campus or joining us for the first time, your presence enriches our vibrant community.

Our College is more than just a place of learning; it’s a dynamic community where diverse backgrounds, ideas, and dreams converge. We encourage everyone to actively participate in creating a supportive and inclusive atmosphere. This means respecting differences, offering a helping hand, and understanding that each person’s journey is unique.

To strengthen our sense of community, we have planned a diverse range of activities and events throughout the year. From special celebrations and sports competitions to volunteer initiatives and social gatherings, there’s something for everyone. Getting involved in these experiences is a wonderful way to connect with others, develop new skills, and create lasting memories.

A thriving community also prioritises the wellbeing of its members. At Prince of Peace, we are committed to supporting the physical, mental, and emotional health of our students. We provide a variety of resources and encourage open conversations about wellbeing, fostering a culture, where seeking help and supporting one another is both welcomed and encouraged.

 The Resilience Project

This year, we continue our partnership with The Resilience Project, equipping students with essential skills to build emotional literacy and resilience. The research is clear; the more positive emotion you experience, the more resilient you will be.

The Bible also tells us:

Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need and thank Him for all He has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.’ Philippians 4:6

The Resilience Project (TRP) focuses on three key pillars proven to cultivate positive emotion: Gratitude, Empathy and Mindfulness (GEM). Their programs also have a strong focus on Connection, Purpose, Kindness, Emotional Literacy and Physical Health.

As parents and carers, you also have access to this program through the Parent & Carer Hub.

 My Mind Check

Checking in with students is important to ensure they feel supported, engaged, and valued in their learning journey. Regular check-ins help identify any challenges they may be facing, celebrate their achievements, and provide guidance to foster their academic, social, and emotional well-being.

To assist with this, PoP will engage with My Mind Check. My Mind Check is a free, voluntary and evidence-based digital mental health and wellbeing check-in for Australian schools. It gives schools proactive information about students, direct from students. The tool assists schools to understand their students and use quality, evidence-based data to make wellbeing decisions.

This program is an opt in service and permissions will be coming out soon. If you require further information about this program, please visit https://mymindcheck.org.au/

We look forward to partnering with you to be proactive in supporting our students mental wellbeing.

As we step into this new school year, remember that Prince of Peace is more than just a place of learning—it’s a community to call home. It’s where friendships grow, knowledge is shared, and lasting memories are created. We look forward to all that we will achieve together and can’t wait to see the incredible moments this year will bring.


Coreta Lennon
Deputy Head of Campus – Junior

Code Camp 2025

Prince of Peace is pleased to be hosting Code Camp after school in Term 1 2025. At Code Camp, kids design, code, problem solve and become storytellers and creators of technology.

  • Course: Coding
  • Day: Tuesday
  • Dates: 4 February to 25 March (8 Sessions)
  • Times: 3:00pm – 4:15pm (75 Minutes)
  • Booking Link: www.codecamp.com.au/poplc

Middle & Senior Campus News

Welcome to 2025 – the year of Strength through Unity

As we celebrate the beginning of a new year of learning, growing, and serving at Prince of Peace, we welcome new and existing students, staff, and families to our community. In 2025 we are excited to bring to life opportunities for our young people and families through the College’s strategic vision of four focus areas:

  • POPPATHWAYS – Personalised Pathways. Personalised Learning. Every day. Every child.
  • POPENRICH – Allows students to explore their interests and passions through a diverse range of extracurricular activities, offering personalised opportunities tailored to each individual.
  • POPACTIVE – Incorporates all physical and sporting opportunities available to Prince of Peace Students.
  • POPCONNECT  – is our community partnership program for connecting college parents and caregiver volunteers with families in their chosen year level in a meaningful and purposeful way.

It has been so great to see our young people make connections with their peers and teachers in our learning space in exploring all the opportunities that awaits them to help them enrich their passions, strengths and create meaning and purpose in their lives.

Celebrating Academic Success and Inspiring Achievement

We have much to celebrate and be thankful for as we have had the opportunity in Week 1 and 2 to recognise student academic achievements from Semester 2 in 2024. We were able present Academic Awards in Bronze, Silver, and Gold levels in Middle and Senior Awards Assemblies. We congratulate students who received these awards.

Year 9 2024

Marley Buchanan, Lucy Eldridge, Isabella Everitt, Claire Franklin, Christian Holland, Eloise Horsington, Isabel Howard-Taylor, Lucia Hughes, Eva Johnson, Christian McKenzie-Fowle, Eva Shaw

Mariska Adams, Samantha Buttenshaw, Keeley Glentworth, Sienna Jones, Jade Lewis, Aurora Murfett, Zarah Parsons, Isla Pribilovic, Elijah Wallin, Li-Jiun Young, Hudson Zweck

Caeden Bell, Talia Blowes, Mackenzie Brown, Malori Coronado, Ruth Geordy, Sabrina Hutton, Eli Johnson, Joshua Kilday, Eden McGowan, Tejpratap Nagpal, Poppy O’Neill, Alisa Pandzo, Declan Spain, Jeremy Tay

Year 10 2024

Georgia Bean, Ava Downie, Olivia Phillips, Hannah Selwood, Aleisha Sivyer, Chloe Wheatley

Emma Dixon, Brooke Eaglestone, Freya Garrad, Emma Macdonald, Hamish Nottle

Lyla-Jayne Ellis, Willis Fenning, Thomas Gilfillan, Aye Mi Htoo, Tyson Hulcombe, Tim Pingel, Connor Rhind, Georgia Schwalb, Claudia Tucker

Year 11 2024

Hannes Forbes-Schutz, Jacob Howard-Taylor

Liam Bell, Emma Labuschagne, Lara Savaille, Erin Scott, Anuksha Sengupta

Chloe Beasley, Fairley Dart, George Fletcher, Sienna Gardner, Rhys Griffin, Grace McGregor, Summer O’Neill, Amelia Swift, Mani Walduck, Zabelle Warriner-Banner, Aimee Wilson

Year 12 2024

Alana Bomgaars, Jasmine Everitt, Lucinda Hocking, Alexis Hulcombe, Nathan Lilly, Mercedes McIver, Diezel Paget, Abigail Tay

Lucas Cantarella, Miles Chewe, Giaan Cook, Ryan Eaglestone, Freya Forbes-Schutz, Aidan Gardso, Harrison Haines, Ellen Hamilton, Oscar Jones, Raghubir Nagpal, Amber Paul, Ryan Pustolla, Simon Till, Lewyn Turnell

Elijah Beard, Gideon Beard, Jeremy Schofield, Angus Sneddon, Harry Valencia, Elijah Walsh

I would like to congratulate all of our young people in pursuing their personal excellence and MyPoP Pathway with us at Prince of Peace in 2024 and hope they can reflect on their proud moments that brings hope into the new year.

We wish to extend our special congratulations and blessings to our Year 12 graduating class of 2024, and it was a delight to have them return for the Senior Awards Assembly and hear about their joys in beginning their Tertiary studies.

Included below in this edition of POPCORN is the College Dux for 2024, Nathan Lily’s speech who was unable to be with us in person as he has begun his training at the ADFA. We hope Nathan’s words bring you much encouragement for the journey that a young person travels through the middle and senior years of education at Prince of Peace, and hope for the future.

I would like to take this opportunity to share a few thoughts on the strategies that helped me throughout Year 11 and 12. The first and, in my opinion, most beneficial strategy is to connect in at school early. This doesn’t just mean showing up to class but truly paying attention. It might sound trivial or even cliché but genuinely investing effort during your school hours will pay off in the long run. The more you focus, concentrate, and work hard at school, the less you’ll need to do at home. This approach helps reduce the need for extensive study closer to exams.

Most importantly, focusing at school gives you the opportunity to do the second most important thing: relax. Relaxing means stepping away from schoolwork completely—no thinking, no discussing, and no working. I know this can be tough, especially when people around you, like friends or family, bring up school topics. However, it’s essential to set boundaries and let them know when it’s time to unwind. Thinking about schoolwork while trying to relax is one of the most counterproductive things you can do.

Taking time to relax will not only help you enjoy your year but will also improve your sleep. As my parents would tell you, I probably slept more than I studied, and they were right! That rest was essential in allowing me to recharge and be mentally sharp. A well-rested mind can focus better and longer, making it easier to concentrate at school and be productive when you need to be.

When it comes to studying, my advice is to focus on the easy stuff first. Work through it until you feel extremely confident. For subjects that require memorization, start with the easiest things to remember and build from there. If you need help, quiz yourself, or ask others to do it. The more questions you see—even if you can’t answer them all—the easier it will be when you face similar ones in an exam. In fact, I recommend trying the most difficult questions you can find. Not being able to answer them right away might seem frustrating, but it will help make tough exam questions feel more familiar and help you stay calm during the real thing.

Finally, and perhaps most importantly, make sure to have fun. If you can, try to make studying enjoyable, but more importantly, make your life fun. Enjoy the process, because at the end of the day, that’s what truly matters. Be kind to yourself and be kind to your friends. Remember you are not in this alone, I am because we are and because we are, you are.

On behalf of the class of 2024, I would like to take this opportunity to express our thanks and gratitude to all the teachers and staff of Prince of Peace, both past and present. Without your dedication and commitment to our journeys, we wouldn’t be the individuals we are today. From Kindy through to Year 12, you have guided us with patience, care, and wisdom, and we are truly grateful for the support you’ve provided throughout our time here.

It would be negligent to finish without expressing our eternal thanks to our parents, family, and friends. Your unconditional support and belief in our abilities helped guide us through the challenging times while celebrating our successes, no matter how big or small. Thank you for the privilege and opportunity to express my thoughts to you as we celebrate all the achievements of the Class of 2024. To the new Year 12s — good luck in your journey ahead, and in the words of Neil deGrasse Tyson: “There is no greater education than one that is self-driven.”

Welcome to new staff for 2025

We welcome new staff to our community and hope that many parents will be able to meet these staff along with existing staff at the Parent Information Evening on Wednesday 5th of February.

  • Head of College: Dr Susan Carter
  • Maths & Science: Elizabeth McNamara, Mihalia Pappas and Nadejda Sinclair
  • Technology: Lora Lama
  • Science Laboratory Technician: Sophia Stathoulis
  • Personal Assistant to Head of Campus — Middle & Senior: Kellie Sydlarczuk
  • Learning Enrichment Officer: Narkita Templeton
  • Sports Ready Student Trainee: Pascoe Gant

Term 1 Key Dates

Below is an outline of key events for Term 1. The public calendar on our College website and School App will keep you up to date of events and ‘Week Ahead’ posts on our social media and welcome page on SEQTA.

  • Middle School Academic Awards Assemblies: Friday 7.2.25, 8:20am-9:30am
  • New Head of College, Staff Installation: Sunday 9.2.25, 9:00am-10:30am
  • Year 9 Ubuntu Calling Ceremony: Monday 10.2.25 6:00pm
  • Year 7 Camp: Wednesday: 12.2.25 to Friday 14.2.25
  • M&SC Formal Photo Day (Students and Staff): Tuesday 25.2.25
  • Ash Wednesday 9-12 Service: Wednesday 5.3.25, 12:10pm -12:40pm
  • Ash Wednesday 7-8 Service: Thursday 6.3.25, 12:10pm-12:40pm
  • MSC Open Morning: Friday 7.3.25, 8:15am-10:30am
  • Year 7 and 9 NAPLAN Testing: Wednesday 12.3.25- 26.3.25
  • MSC Scholarship Exams: Saturday 15.3.25, 8:00am-12:30pm
  • Year 7 and 9 NAPLAN Testing: Wednesday 12.3.25- 26.3.25
  • MSC Parent/Teacher/Student Conference: Thursday 27.3.25, 3:30pm-7:30pm

As we transition in a new year that bring new beginnings, hope, light and change, we have been remind each other to focus on what could go right. When we start from a positive and see the hope filled future we have, we recognise each day that we have much to be grateful for.

May these words from Philippians 4:8 give you hope and peace at the start of 2025:

Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.

Every blessing,

Sarah Hoff-Zweck
Head of Campus – Middle and Senior

Strengthening How We Deliver Learning

Welcome to the 2025 academic year. It has been exciting to welcome returning students as well as meeting new members of our learning community. Personalised Pathways is the pillar that learning is delivered on the Middle and Senior College. PoP Pathway Every Day for Every Student.

During professional learning week the focus was on strengthening how we deliver learning to all our students. As a teaching staff we hold rigorously to the professional teaching practice of knowing each student. Knowing our students is supported by the Australian Institute of Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL) teaching standards and by the work of eminent researcher and academic John Hattie. Essentially, we must know each student that enters any learning space, knowing them each as learners and what is required to support and provide ‘best practice’ learning experiences for them.

Explicit teaching is seen when teachers make clear the learning process, skills required, language required and content knowledge for our students. It is the building blocks for learning to grow, flourish and deepen.

The structure of learning continues to be shaped as we make explicit the process of learning acquisition with Learning Intentions being provided at the beginning so that students know what the focus of learning will be in a particular lesson or series of lessons. Students know the goal. With Learning Intentions students are active in the learning process.

Success criteria is central in the learning cycle to provide students with an active and clear understanding of what is required to be successful in the learning process. Success Criteria enables students with what they already know and provides them with the steps of what they need to learn next.

Differentiation instruction means that the teacher anticipates the differences in students’ readiness, interests, and learning profiles and, as a result, creates different learning paths so that students have the opportunity to learn as much as they can as deeply as they can.

Learning Routines will be a pedagogical approach that teachers will use to reveal students thinking. They engage students in planning and evaluating their learning and promote metacognitive dialogue about learning.

I look forward to communication with you about the learning that occurs throughout the year.

Peace to you,

Wendy Bowen
Director of Teaching and Learning

Sports Score

Junior Campus Sport

A new Year of Exciting Physical Education & Sport

Welcome back, school community! I hope everyone had a rejuvenating holiday break and are now energised to dive into an exciting year of Physical Education and Sport.

Thank you to the Mini-Pro Soccer Program for coming out to Prince of Peace last week and revising the basics of football (soccer) to our students. The program is coming to our Junior Campus next Tuesday 11 Feb, 3:15-4:15pm for a 6 week program. Information and sign-up details are available here.

Term 1 — Learning Fundamental Movement Skills

This term promises a thrilling lineup, focusing on the exploration and development of fundamental movement skills for our Prep – Year 2 students. From running and jumping to throwing and catching, we’ll be honing these essential skills to lay the groundwork for a year filled with active and enjoyable physical activities.

 For those students in Year 3 – Year 6 we are exploring European Handball, the court awaits! With a blend of drills and practice matches, we aim to elevate our skills and teamwork, fostering a love for this dynamic and strategic sport.

We have thrilling plans for endurance training, particularly for our Cross Country enthusiasts. Get ready to lace up your running shoes as we hit the trails and work on building stamina, resilience, and a strong sense of teamwork. Training details to come!

Year 4 – Year 6 NISSA Gala Day Sport

Practice for our Teeball, Touch Football and Basketball teams is to commence Week 4 and Week 5, during the middle session on each Friday, before competition day on the Friday of Week 6. Our teams will be stretched over six competition venues, calling any parents/caregivers available to assist and chaperone any of our teams.  Your help would be very much appreciated, please contact Mrs Jess Schneider via SEQTA with your availability.

10 – 12 Year Old North District Sport

North District Sport Trial information is available online. Trial information and nomination processes will be sent out via SEQTA once I received them from North District. Please inform Mrs Jess Schneider if your child would like to trial for any North District Sport/s.

Sport Dates for Term 1

NISSA Swimming: Week 3, Friday 14 February, 12:30pm-3pm
North District Swimming: Week 4, Monday 17 February, 8:30am-3pm
NISSA Gala Day: 1 Week 6, Friday 7 March, 10am-2pm
Kindy – Year 2 Fun Run: Week 8, Monday 17 March, 8:40am-9:40am
NISSA Gala Day 2: Week 9, Friday 28 March, 10am-2pm
Year 3 – Year 12 Cross Country: Week 10, Tuesday 1 April, 8:30am-2:30pm

Let’s make this year in physical education an unforgettable journey of fitness, skill development, and camaraderie!

Jessica Schneider
Junior Campus PE Teacher & Sport Coordinator

Middle & Senior Campus Sport

Welcome and Reminders

My name is Gabby Collman and I am the Sports Coordinator on the Middle and Senior Campus.

I hope you all had a wonderful break and are excited for the upcoming year.

I just wanted to relay a few reminders so that you are able to keep up with all our sporting news this year.

All sporting information for the Middle and Senior School can be found on SEQTA in the notices section. This is the easiest and most efficient way to get information out to students quickly.

It is really important that the notices are checked regularly as new opportunities and information are consistently uploaded and updated.

I will also send out information via SEQTA message and through this newsletter. However, SEQTA notices are where the most up to date information can be found.

Yr 7-10 NISSA Sport

This year, we are entering our third season of the NISSA (Northern Independent Schools Sporting Association) competition. It is an exciting time in the history of the organisation, with the addition of our very first contact sport, Rugby 7s. This option fits perfectly into our structure, with games only lasting 14 minutes, and provides those students wishing to participate in a contact sport the opportunity without requiring huge numbers to do so. I will provide more details around mouthguard and contact policies to those wishing to participate in this sport closer to Season B (Term 3).

Students have already chosen their sports for season A, with final team decisions to be made in the coming weeks during our sport time. Venues for both seasons are below.

Season 1 Sport

Netball: Pine Rivers Netball Association, Lawnton
Futsal: Genesis Christian College (Wednesday) and South Pine Sports Complex, Brendale (Thursday)
Touch Football: The Lakes College, North Lakes
Volleyball: Grace Lutheran College, Rothwell

Season 2 Sport

Basketball: South Pine Sports Complex, Brendale (Wednesday) and Northside Wizards Basketball, Zillmere (Thursday)
Football (Soccer): The Lakes College, North Lakes
Rugby 7’s: Les Hughes Sporting Complex, Bray Park
Beach Volleyball: Bracken Ridge Indoor Sports Complex, Bracken Ridge

NISSA Sport Uniform Expectations

The uniform expectations for each sport are outlined below.


Futsal and Football (Soccer): NISSA playing shirt, shin pads, PoP football socks and boots (optional)

Volleyball and Beach Volleyball: NISSA playing shirt

Netball: Girls – PoP Netball dress (provided by the school), Boys – NISSA Playing shirt

Basketball: NISSA playing shirt. Singlets and shorts to be provided for our A teams

Touch: NISSA playing shirt and boots (optional)

Rugby 7’s: NISSA playing shirt, PoP football socks, mouthguard, boots and headgear (optional)

The NISSA playing shirts and PoP socks can be purchased at School Locker. Training this year will be conducted during their PC time on a Friday (commencing in Week 4). Can I please remind you that if your child is unable to participate in sport lessons/games, a note is required.

If you require any more information, please contact myself via SEQTA or the Middle & Senior Campus via email receptionsc@princeofpeace.qld.edu.au

Gabrielle Collman
Middle & Senior Campus Teacher – Sports Coordinator

Music and the Arts

Middle & Senior Campus Music News

Artists on Show Soiree

Tuesday 11 March 6pm – Middle & Senior Campus Auditorium

Start practicing your solo pieces and send Ms Brady a DM if you wish to perform or present. It is always a fabulous opportunity to appreciate our solo artists with so much talent on display. This year it is also the first opportunity to enjoy individual performances from our drama students. I can’t wait to hear those amazing monologues. In the foyer of the Auditorium on the Middle & Senior Campus we hope to have instalment from our Visual Arts students so that we can appreciate their creative talent.

This is the only opportunity in our Arts Schedule which is specifically designed to honour individual effort, skill and creativity. Many of the Term 1 assessment pieces are due around this time. Make a plan to share these with a broader audience and really test yourself in a public context. The program always fills quickly and nominations will close on Friday 7 March.

Music Rehearsals have started for Ensembles and you should find appointments in SEQTA both for these and for private tuition.  Ensemble rehearsals for 2025 are operating as per the schedule below.  We have a new ensemble in 2025. Sing and Dance with Hilary will happen on the stage of the Auditorium on a Monday at lunchtime. This will be open to all comers but will particularly suit students who love music theatre, dancing, singing (obviously) or want to prepare material show auditions, this year or in the future. Don’t forget that the Friday Drumming Circle is also open to everyone. Come and be a part of it.

Please remember how important it is to your team that everyone is there!

Its not too late to sign up for Private Tuition in Voice, Drums, Guitar, Piano, Woodwind, Brass and Strings. If you would like to start lessons in 2025, please complete and return this form. You could also collect a form from the Senior Campus main office or from Ms Brady in M1.

Let’s get started and make some art!

Linda Brady
Curriculum Leader – The Arts on the Middle & Senior Campus

Church News & Notices


Sunday 9 February: 9am Worship

Sunday 16 February: 9am Worship

Please keep an eye on the Prince of Peace Church Facebook page for service updates.

Places to connect your families at Prince of Peace Church

GROW is taking on a fresh approach to meet the dynamic challenges of faith formation. This will perhaps look different than what you experienced in confirmation. The goal remains the same, to grow in the concepts and language that fosters faith and trust in God in a post church world. More info: https://princeofpeace.org.au/ministries/youth/pages/grow

Info Meeting: February 9, 10:30am in the church office

First Communion class invites parents to share in their child’s journey as they learn more about holy communion, and prepare to receive this special meal for the first time. It has been designed to complete four lessons together in your homes as well as two group sessions with other parents and children preparing for first communion. Children 10+ years old are invited to enrol in First Communion.
More info: https://princeofpeace.org.au/ministries/youth/pages/first-communion

PoP Trivia Night: test your trivia knowledge. Play some puzzle games. Compete for the prize of PoP Champion. Assemble your team, up to 10 people, to test your trivia knowledge with our new quiz master. Dress up theme is Alphabet, your table captain will receive your secret letter. Teams are to choose dress-ups which correspond to the letter. On the night, teams will receive points for correct guess of table letter. Beef, chicken & bean tacos for dinner, pre-game nibblies and dessert will be included. Soft drink, beer & wine will be available for purchase.

Community News and Notices

2025 Convention of the Synod Art Competition

Calling all artists and aspiring artists!

The Lutheran Lay People’s League in conjunction with the Lutheran Church of Australia Qld District will be hosting an art competition at next year’s 2025 Convention of the Synod. The Lutheran Lay People’s League is sponsoring the LCAQD Synod Art Competition with the aim to inspire and celebrate creativity in the Queensland District.

Entrants must consider the Synod theme ‘Open Doors to Many Communities of Grace. One Church. One Purpose. Many Ministries’. (Revelation 3:7-12) as part of their submission. There is a selection of age group categories for entrants, so that a diverse range of category winning artworks can be displayed during the 2025 Convention of the Synod.

Find out more about the competition categories and rules of entry »

Useful Links

College Calendar

Note: On some phones, this calendar may be best viewed  in landscape view (ie turning your phone sideways)