Welcome to Term 3
With COVID restrictions continuing to be a moving target, we are very pleased to have been able to commence Term 3 in person and not under any variation of lockdown, and to also be able to run our programmes without too many limitations. The next few weeks will continue to be an area of uncertainty and we will continue to be as prepared as we can be for other possibilities.
The first two days of term were our annual Prince of Peace student free days. On the Monday, we farewelled the first group departing for their Year 9 Mt Binga experience. We hope that this year, like others, sees our students returning grateful for the opportunity and excited to share their experience with their family and friends. On the evening of the same day, our Year 12s attended their formal and were very fortunate to have “no dancing” as the only restriction for their event this year.
This week, on Monday we installed our senior leaders for 2021/2022, who were celebrated for their achievement in being selected. Both our federal member, Peter Dutton (Minister for Defence) and state member, Tim Mander (Shadow Minister for Housing & Public Works) joined us on the day in congratulating our new leaders. It was great to be able to invite our VIPs back on site and we are always very thankful for their support of the College and our students. We look forward to watching our leaders shine and grow in their roles over the coming 12 months. Directly following our leader installation was the Academic Awards assembly, held on Tuesday morning, where again we celebrated student achievement. Prince of Peace is very proud of the level of achievement in our students and it is always an honour to recognise this.
By now, you would have received the semester summary report for your child. Setting up a brand new system such as this is quite a mammoth task, and after ironing out most of the teething issues in their preparation along the way, we were very happy with the result of reporting for the first time via SEQTA. In future we hope that we will actually be able to execute these a little quicker and have them out to you a little earlier. I take the opportunity to thank our teachers for their time and effort during this round of reporting to ensure a fairly seamless transition from one (or, actually two) system to the other. A very large thank you, also, to our Heads and Deputy Heads of Campuses, who spent a great deal of time pouring through data, reports and carrying out testing before reports were released. If you have any concerns around your child’s report or interpreting the new format, you are strongly encouraged to make contact with your child’s teacher who will be able to assist.
Simon Hughes
Head of College
Tuckshop Online Ordering Has Arrived!
Say goodbye to stressful mornings, searching for brown paper bags and loose change—PoP Tuckshop ordering is now Online!
You will be able to order tuckshop by just following these 3 simple steps:
- Visit princeofpeace.qld.edu.au/tuckshop (or the Tuckshop Order page and FAQ can be found under the ‘MyPoP’ menu at the top of our website), or via the College App under the Links section.
- Place one order per child
- Pay online via our secure form with MasterCard/VISA (Debit and Credit) and a receipt number will be displayed.
By ordering online you can order anywhere, anytime day or night, at your convenience – no paper bags, no cash! In the mean time please visit our Tuckshop FAQ page which should answer most questions you may have. You will be notified shortly when tuckshop orders are open for the 6 August menu.
Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability (NCCD)
Every year, all schools in Australia participate in the Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability (NCCD). The NCCD process requires schools to identify information already available in the school about supports provided to students with disability. These relate to legislative requirements under the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 and the Disability Standards for Education 2005, in line with the NCCD guidelines (2019).
Information provided about students to the Australian Government for the NCCD includes:
- year of schooling
- category of disability: physical, cognitive, sensory or social/emotional
- level of adjustment provided: support provided within quality differentiated teaching practice, supplementary, substantial or extensive.
This information assists schools to:
- formally recognise the supports and adjustments provided to students with disability in schools
- consider how they can strengthen the support of students with disability in schools
- develop shared practices so that they can review their learning programs in order to improve educational outcomes for students with disability.
The NCCD provides state and federal governments with the information they need to plan more broadly for the support of students with disability.
The NCCD will have no direct impact on your child and your child will not be involved in any testing process. The school will provide data to the Australian Government in such a way that no individual student will be able to be identified – the privacy and confidentiality of all students is ensured. All information is protected by privacy laws that regulate the collection, storage and disclosure of personal information. To find out more about these matters, please refer to the Australian Government’s Privacy Policy (https://www.education.gov.au/privacy-policy).
Further information about the NCCD can be found on the NCCD Portal (https://www.nccd.edu.au).
If you have any questions about the NCCD, please contact the College.
Commonwealth School Data Collection Notice
The Australian Government Department of Education, Skills and Employment (the department) would like to advise all parents and guardians that it collects certain information about your child’s school, its staff, and student body.
Why is this information collected?
This information is collected by the department in accordance with the Australian Education Act 2013 (the Act) and the Australian Education Regulation 2013 (the Regulation). The Act and the Regulation require the legal entity responsible for the administration of the school (the Approved Authority) to provide certain information to the department. The department collects this information to:
- Ensure the provision of Australian Government funding to schools is properly calculated and appropriately managed.
- Conduct research, statistical analysis and develop school education policy for the Australian Government.
- Meet national and international reporting obligations on school students in Australia.
- Publish and provide information about schools to the public.
How is information collected?
Information is provided to the department by a school or their approved authority via various data collections on the SchoolsHUB website.
What information is collected?
Each data collection fulfils a separate reporting requirement. The data collections conducted through SchoolsHUB are:
- The Student Residential Address and Other Information Collection (Address collection) provides student residential addresses (excluding student names), and the names and addresses of parents/guardians of students for eligible full or part-time primary and secondary students enrolled at most non-government schools.
- The Financial Accountability (FA) assurance activity is done to certify that the financial assistance provided by the Australian Government for schools has been spent or committed to be spent to provide school education.
- The Financial Questionnaire (FQ) reports the income, expenditure, assets and liabilities from all non-government Australian schools receiving Australian Government recurrent grant funding.
- Student Attendance (STATS) provides a school’s student attendance rate data by grade, gender and indigeneity from non-government schools for full-time students in Years 1 to 10 attending regular and special schools.
- The Non-Government Schools Census (Census) provides information about the number and characteristics of the school’s staff and student body during a specific reference period. Characteristics include student year level and workload, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff and students, students with disability, students receiving distance education, boarding students, and overseas students. The names of students and staff are not collected, apart from the name, position and contact details of the staff member nominated as the primary contact for the annual census.
- Census Special Circumstances Applications may also be made by schools to include a student/s who did not attend during the Census reference period but otherwise meets Census eligibility requirements. Schools will provide the department with information and documents about the student demonstrating their eligibility. The department does not require information that personally identifies a student and asks schools to de-identify any documents before providing them.
How will the information be used and disclosed?
Some of the information collected by the department from schools in accordance with the Act and the Regulation, may be ‘personal information’ for the purposes of the Privacy Act 1988 (Privacy Act). Personal information is protected by law, including under the Privacy Act. Any use or disclosure of your personal information must occur in accordance with the Regulation. Personal information is information or an opinion about an identifiable individual. Personal information includes an individual’s name and contact details.
Personal information collected by the department may be used or disclosed for the following:
- Used by the department to review school funding calculations and develop school education policy.
- Used or disclosed where it is otherwise required or authorised by law, including under the Act or Regulation, or otherwise permitted under the Privacy Act.
- Disclosed to the Australian Bureau of Statistics to calculate your non-government school community’s capacity to contribute to the costs of schooling (Address collection only).
- Disclosed to the Australian Curriculum Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA) to publish on the My School website and include as high-level data for ACARA’s National Report on Schooling in Australia and the Productivity Commission Report on Government Services (Census and STATS only).
- Disclosed to state and territory education departments and authorities in accordance with the Act.
- Disclosed to a contracted auditor where the department decides to audit or verify the information provided by an approved authority about a school. The contracted auditor may use previously collected information or request access to individual student records for comparison purposes. The contractors may pass this information onto officers within the department, if there is a discrepancy in the data provided by the school and the school’s records and further investigation is required. The contracted auditor must handle personal information in accordance with the Privacy Act.
- Disclosed to its service providers for the purposes of the provision of information and communications technology (ICT) support services to the department.
- Other than in exceptional circumstances (for example, investigation of fraud relating to overseas students), the department does not disclose any of the personal information collected to overseas recipients.
For more information about how the department handles personal information, please review the department’s privacy policy.
Protecting your child’s privacy
When student information is provided to the department by schools or approved authorities, the department requests that the information must not explicitly identify any student. For example, student names or student identifiers are not provided. To help protect your child’s privacy, we support schools to submit their reporting requirements using de-identified records.
In limited cases, even without student names or identifiers, a student may be reasonably identifiable from the information provided (for example, because of the small size of a particular school). In this event, the disclosure of such personal information to the department by a school, and the collection of that personal information by the department, are both required and authorised by law for the purposes of the Privacy Act.
What do you need to do?
You do not need to do anything. Your school is responsible for providing the requested information to the department.
Want more information?
Your school can provide information about data provided for your child. To find out more about school data collections and reporting, visit SchoolsHUB.
Billy G’s Gourmet Cookie and Biscuit Dough College Fundraiser
Our P&F Association is kindly running a fundraiser for the College. All funds raised will be used to purchase new resources for our students. Our fundraiser is Billy G’s Gourmet Cookie and Biscuit Dough. Popular in local fundraising communities, Billy G’s is renowned for offering quality cookie dough for those who like to bake at home. With 10 different flavours, and a 1kg tub only costing $17.00, it is a tasty and cost efficient option for your friends and families (cookies cost approx. 43 cents each).
Getting involved is simple.
Step 1 Go to cookiedough.com.au
Step 2 Click ‘Register now’ and create your own fundraiser page. This is essential.
Step 3 Ask your family and friends if they would like to purchase a tub or two.
Step 4 Place your final cookie dough order via your fundraiser page by Wednesday 4 August 2021.
No cash please – all orders must go through your fundraiser page.
This is a cashless fundraiser which means when you place your final order online, you will need to pay for the order via your credit card etc. We recommend collecting the cash from your buyers, banking the money into your account and then using this to finalise the order. Please do not bring cash to the school.
Important Dates:
Wednesday 21 July 2021 – A flyer will be sent home with your child with all the different flavours. The flyer can help your friends and families select their favourite flavours.
Wednesday 4 August 2021 – The fundraiser closes. Your final orders must be placed by this day.
Thursday 19 August – Senior Campus families will receive their cookie dough orders.
Friday 20 August – Junior Campus families will receive their cookie dough orders.
We hope you enjoy baking your own cookies. Thank you for supporting our students.
Scholastic Bookclub Orders
The Scholastic Bookclub orders for both Junior and Senior Campus have the cut off date of 11am Tuesday 27 July.
Help needed for Father’s Day Stall on Junior and Senior Campuses
The College is asking for volunteers to help with the Father’s Day stall for both the Senior and Junior Campus.
Senior Campus date: Thursday 26 August (morning only)
Junior campus Dates: Monday 30 August and Tuesday 31st August
Please contact Andrea on 0412597644.
Out of Stock of Medium Broad Brimmed Hats
The School Locker has advised us that they are out of stock of the medium size broadbrim hat. Hopefully more stock will arrive mid Term 4, 2021 (or January 2022). Until this hat is back in stock, students are allowed to wear their sports hat with both the formal and the sports uniforms.
The Smiles say it all!
Running, jumping, throwing and encouraging was the theme for the Prep to Year 2 Athletics Carnival on Monday. After missing many of these events last year, it was fabulous to gather and watch our smallest people participate in athletic pursuits.
A big thank you to those parents and caregivers who came to encourage and cheer behind the safety of face masks. And a huge shout out to Mr. Lawrance and our School Captains and House Captains who were on hand to support and encourage at each event.
Congratulations to all Prep, Year 1 and Year 2 students for the way you participated and encouraged the morning activities.
Walk My Way! – Thank you!

Thanks Pastor Nick!
We gathered, we walked, we learned, we got a little wet and we had the best day at the Prince of Peace Community Walk my Way event last term.
What an exciting day as all students gathered on the Senior Campus for Walk My Way activities planned by the Year 9 students, some running, skipping, a sausage sizzle lunch and end of term worship.
A big shout out to Mrs Julie Grosas and her Year 9 Food Tech class for learning about refugees and wanting to share it with others. When PoP partakes in a gathering, we do it well and the sense of community, both College and Church was amazing.
A huge thank you to:
- Everyone who came, walked, ran or learned about what it is like for refugees.
- Members of the Prince of Peace church for their help and service on the day, especially with cooking and serving 1800 sausages.
- The Year 9 students for their sense of service that was developed in class and beautifully displayed as they led the activities that students participated in on the day.
- The companionship that the Year 11 and Year 12 students showed to support the younger members of the community.
- Everyone who gathered together to worship after lunch.
- Pastor Nick for running 26km.
- Our generous and wonderful community who raised $16,000. This means we can help 615 refugees go to school for a year!
We have a photo gallery of the day’s events in the MyPoP Parent Portal of the College website »
Congratulations to 5G and 9C Pastoral Care class. A pizza party generously donated by St Pauls’ Lutheran Church Nundah is coming your way soon 5G; 9C will wait until all of their class members return from Mt Binga in 6 weeks’ time for their party.
The highest fundraisers who will receive a $25 gift voucher generously donated by Microsoft were Harry Valencia, Hannah McKinnon, Mateo Viegas and Alyah Viegas.
While this was the first time we had gathered together as a College and church community, I’m sure it will not be the last. I look forward to the next time we gather, connect and build as a community.
Have you Seen the Spider Web Lately?
Over the holidays part of our playground had a face lift.
New spongy soft fall playground rubber was installed under the spider web with artificial grass layered on top of the whole area.
It was always a great place for children to climb, it is now nice to see a space where children relax and chat as well.
Thank you to our Grounds Crew who continually work at keeping our grounds looking amazing.
Now that the cold weather is fully upon us, please ensure your children are wearing the correct jackets with their uniforms. With the formal uniform please have them wear the knitted pullover, and with the sports uniform wear the tracksuit jacket.
Anne-Marie Schmidt
Deputy Head of Junior Campus P-6
We are Grateful
There is so much to be grateful for at present.
We finished off the term with “Walk my Way”. What a wonderful celebration of our community. A truly memorable day, the first time we have gathered as a whole College community and celebrated worship together. The genuine way the younger and older students interacted was such a blessing. We were grateful for the Prince of Peace Church community. Thank you for an amazing fundraising effort—$16 000 raised. With thanks to Julie Grosas and Anne-Marie Schmidt for all their work to make the day possible.
COVID Restrictions did not impact the fun had by the Class of 2021 at their formal. Yes—we had to wear masks (except for photos), Yes—we could not dance. Instead we were wowed by a magician and balloon artist, we played Uno, trivia and Jenga. The rites of passage continue. Tuesday marked 100 days completed of their final year of compulsory studies. The students are busy finalising their internal assessment. We wish them all the best as they keep their eye on their goals.
On Monday, we saw the change of leadership from the Class of 2021 to the Class of 2022. We are grateful for the leadership of our outgoing captains. Congratulations to our newly appointed leadership team.
College Captains | Tyler Noakes | Rosina Floriani |
Ministry and Outreach Captains | Talitha Montgomery | Josie Swift |
Bradman House Captains | Huey Duncan | William Ridgwell |
Fraser House Captains | Kaleb Rail | Jasmine Hancox |
Jackson House Captains | Nelson Morse | Caitlyn Mlynarik |
Laver House Captains | Ashleigh Eaglestone | Jayke Merrell |
The Class of 2022 have chosen as their theme: Unlocking your potential – embracing opportunities. We are grateful that we have young people who are aware, caring, generous, courageous and who are keen to lead. We thank them for their preparedness to serve our Prince of Peace community.
On Tuesday, we acknowledged the students whose Semester 1 report card met the standards for Academic Honours and Excellence. I get a notification on SEQTA every time, a student changes their goal. The number of students who have made modifications to their goals since receiving their report card made my heart sing. We are proud of all students who have achieved personal excellence in Semester 1 2021. As you look forward and set goals for second semester, learn from your mistakes (because we all make them) and make a plan for what you need to do differently, and always be prepared to be the best version of yourself possible.
Academic Honours
Georgia Bean
Brooke Eaglestone
Pascoe Gant
Freya Garrad
Louise Hegner
Thea McIver
Olivia Phillips
Connor Rhind
Asha Rich
Evelyn Valencia
Isaac Chen
Jacob Howard-Taylor
Lily Stokes
Bella Turner
Zabelle Warriner-Banner
Siena Bramwell
Jett Cargill
Josie Swift
Andrew Klimenko
Benjamin Fingland
Jacob Fraser
Piper Griffin
Evie Nocher
Georgia Pfeffer
Samuel Short
Jarvis Sivyer
James Trembath
Conner Wiseman
Academic Excellence
Pippy Bohan
Xavier Dissanayake
Hannah Selwood
Aleisha Sivyer
Jessica Deb
Georgia East
Hannes Forbes-Schutz
Lara Savaille
Erin Scott
Chloe Selwood
Amelia Swift
Emily Warburton
Amelia Watkins
Keira Andretzke
Patrick Austin
Indiana Brown
Katrina Paul
Xavier Sivyer
Mikayla Swift
Phoebe Tobin
Ashleigh Eaglestone
Rosina Floriani
Austin Haines
Jordan Muduioa
Heidi Noon
Mackenna Tom
Jacob Williams
Zachary Williams
Abby Newton
Lucas Smith
Gabrielle Waverley-Smith
As I said, there is so much to be grateful for, as we start Semester 2.
Stay safe.
Michelle Nisbet
Head of Senior Campus
Junior Campus Music News
Classroom Music
Term 3 brings new units to Classroom Music. From the Starship PoP, students in Year 5 will be boldly going into the unknown and studying “Space Music”. Year 6 will look at Film Music themes, whilst Year 4 will complete a STEAM challenge of making their own instruments from various resources. Year 3 will discover orchestral instruments and delve into each family of the orchestra, whilst the younger year levels consolidate reading and writing rhythms. It’s a fun and fast-paced term for all.
Many performance opportunities for the choirs this term. Firstly our concert postponed for the Year 4-6 choirs and bands has been scheduled for Tuesday 10 August.
Both Junior and Senior Choirs have been invited to perform at the Albany Creek Uniting Church Fete on Saturday 28 August at 2pm.
Senior Choir have been invited to perform at Peninsula Retirement Park on Tuesday 7 September at 10am. We may also include a ‘break up party’ on this day.
Further details for all these events will be sent asap.
Should you have any questions about the instrumental, choral or classroom music program on the Junior Campus, please don’t hesitate to contact me.
Sherree Cudney
Junior Campus Music
Senior Campus Music News
Pop Gala Celebration
I am very excited about the plans which are coming together for a Gala Celebration of music from across the school. Please save the date of Wednesday 15 September 6.30pm now in your calendars. The timing of this is nestled nicely between our Year 9 Students coming back from Mt Binga and our Year 12 students going into their final ATAR external exams. It promises to be a magnificent evening including a combined number for all of our musicians working together. It will be a great moment to celebrate our Year 12 musicians and thank them for their years of dedicated service to the school through the music program.
As we move into this event I am mindful that Term 3 can be a pressure time especially in the Senior School. There is sometimes concern from parents that music is an intrusion into critical study time. I ask that you remember these three important things:
- Making music provides important nourishment in our days. The emotional release and sense of community is a vital balance to other brain activities.
- Musicians understand focus and discipline in a way rarely seen in other subject areas. In practicing their music, they are exercising valuable skills and techniques which can make their other study more efficient.
- There is already a significant investment made. Students are in the run to the biggest concert of the year. This is not the time to pull out. Such considerations are better made at the start of a school year.
Thanks again for your support and always stay tuned for more fun!
Linda Brady
Senior Campus Curriculum Leader of Music and Coordinator of Extra-Curricular Music
Worship 25 July
9am Worship
5PM Together@5
Please keep an eye on the Prince of Peace Church Facebook page for service updates.
Prince of Peace Church is having a Trivia Night Fundraiser. 50/50 split of everything raised will go to capital projects at PoP and ALWS Gifts of Grace – Build a house.
Cost: $25 per person
Create a table of 6-8 or find one when you get there.
Wine & Beer will be available for purchase.
Theme is Bob the Builder. Teams are invited to dress up and decorate in this theme – Best decorated table and best dressed person will be given a points advantage on the night.
Register by 26 July to reserve your seat.