Term 4 Week 4 | 25 October 2023
College News

Off and Racing…

Approximately 55,000 Year 12 students across Queensland lined up on Monday to start the race that stops – well perhaps not the nation, but it certainly changes the pace across all our high schools, including at Prince of Peace. Monday 23 October saw the commencement of the External Exam season, starting with English, which is followed by the other senior subjects over a period of about 3 weeks. At Prince of Peace, the Year 12’s gathered together for some last words of encouragement, and a prayer by Chappy Reilly.

And so when do you start preparing for your final Year 12 Exams? Well it is stating the obvious, but of course the answer is clearly from at least Prep onwards. Every small step along the way, every lesson, every camp, every success and especially every failure, are the important ingredients of an authentic education. But there is more. Education, teaching and learning is not just about the what, but is definitely about the how and the why.

In Mathematics and Engineering we know that the triangle is one of the strongest geometric shapes and is used frequently to brace and strengthen.  The triangular partnership, synonymous with Lutheran Education, involves the bonds between students, their parents and families, and the school.

For optimal progress and success in education, each one of the three links needs to be strong and well maintained by the respective parties at each corner of the triangle. I encourage each of us to examine the links that come from our own particular vertex and ask ourselves what we might do to nurture and strengthen them.

I’ll conclude with a shout out to the teaching staff at PoP, especially at this stage of the year, for their faithful commitment to their students. And as Year 12’s round the bend of External Exams and head for the home straight, I hope that they feel they have been well served and well prepared to do their best. We continue to pray for them and wish them well.

“Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 13:3-4

Every blessing for the week ahead.

Warren Irvine
Acting Head of College

Junior Campus News

Impacting the Learning Journey at PoP

Wandering the yard and popping into classrooms provides for the most interesting conversations.  Children are keen to share exciting events in their lives, what they are learning and what they anticipate will occur.  Last week the Year 5 students spoke excitedly about how the Back Yard Science Incursion helped explain light in the “See the Light” in their signature Year 5 presentation.   This week Prep students delved into the Design and Technology space with their incursion on Monday using tools to create and design.  Excursions and incursions provide opportunities to explore learning in new and often exciting ways.

The first of the year level Learning Displays occurred in Year 2 last week.  Our Year 2 students proudly shared their knowledge of Healthy Eating, Healthy Body and Healthy Mind.  The parents and guests were able to participate in some activities to explore ways to be healthy; sorting healthy food choices, being mindful and even doing some exercises.  And I’ve heard that there were some total legends who attempted the 3 minute plank challenge!   

These experiences help bring learning to life for students, give purpose and opportunity that strengthens the learning process.   As other year levels work on their Learning Displays this term, I encourage you to visit, explore and be a part of impacting your child’s learning journey at PoP.  

Report Comments Change

This year, the Junior School has progressed to providing more continuous and timely feedback and information on your child’s academic progress. We now provide more consistent updates across various subjects, with a particular emphasis on English and Mathematics. This will enable the College to provide timely, individualised and detailed insights into your child’s academic performance, allowing for both celebration of achievements and addressing any concerns.  As we transition to this more progressive reporting approach, information communicated during the semester and previously found in the English and Mathematics comments section of the end of semester report, will not be repeated. Our staff will continue to focus on providing a comprehensive Social and Emotional Capability comment in the final semester report.  You are most welcome to contact your child’s teacher after the release of subject assessments should you require any further information.     

 Should you have any concerns or questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to me. 

Junior School Student Leadership – We’re in good hands!

The formal process of choosing the 2024 Junior School Student Leaders has begun with the Year 5 students. Watching these brave young people nominate, consider their heart for service, write and deliver speeches is a privilege to observe.   

It would be amiss to not mention and acknowledge all parents for their role of nurturing student leadership and character.  We know this is a lifelong journey filled with many moments that cultivate empathy, creativity, resilience and much more.  As the process has unfolded, I could not help but hear the values of Hope, Grace, Courage and Service spoken and shown in many ways. There is no doubt we are in good hands.  

Thank you PoP community for all you do.

Anne-Marie Schmidt
Head of Campus – Junior

Cultivating Empathy and Resilience: Building Stronger Connections and Facing Life’s Challenges

In a world where uncertainty and adversity can sometimes feel like the new norm, the need for two essential qualities, empathy and resilience, has never been more profound. These qualities when nurtured and developed, can help us not only weather life’s storms but also foster stronger connections with others. In this piece, we will explore the significance of empathy and resilience and discover how these qualities can enhance our personal and collective well-being.

Empathy: The Bridge to Deeper Connections

Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of another. It’s more than just sympathy; it’s about truly putting yourself in someone else’s shoes and feeling what they feel. The importance of empathy in our everyday lives cannot be overstated.

At Prince of Peace, we follow a restorative framework which allows students to understand the importance of perspective and assists them to develop empathy for others. It is our hope that as a result of these processes, our students will:

  • Have improved relationships: Empathy is the cornerstone of healthy relationships. By empathising with others, we create a space for open communication and understanding. This fosters trust, respect, and compassion.
  • Be proficient in conflict resolution: When we approach conflicts with empathy, we can better understand the perspectives and emotions of all parties involved. This paves the way for more peaceful and effective resolutions.
  • Demonstrate enhanced emotional intelligence: Empathetic individuals tend to have higher emotional intelligence. This skill allows us to navigate complex social situations with finesse and be more attuned to our own emotions.
  • Understand global citizenship: On a larger scale, empathy is crucial for creating a more compassionate and interconnected world. It allows us to better understand and support those who are different from us, whether that difference is cultural, social, or economic.

Resilience: Thriving in the Face of Adversity

Resilience is the ability to bounce back from challenges, setbacks, and adversity. It’s not about avoiding difficulties but rather about facing them with strength and adaptability. Here are some reasons why resilience is indispensable for our young people.

  • Mental Health: Resilience is closely linked to mental health and well-being. Resilient individuals are better equipped to cope with stress and manage anxiety and depression.
  • Success in School: In school, resilience is a highly valued quality. It allows individuals to tackle difficult tasks, persevere through obstacles, and adapt to changes and new opportunities.
  • Community and Society: Resilience is not confined to individuals or our children; it extends to communities and societies. Resilient communities can better recover from natural disasters, economic downturns, and social upheaval.

The Synergy of Empathy and Resilience

Empathy and resilience are not isolated qualities; they complement each other beautifully. Empathy provides the emotional support that helps individuals develop resilience. Knowing that others understand and care about our struggles can bolster our ability to persevere.

Empathy and resilience are not just desirable qualities; they are vital for our individual and collective well-being. By nurturing these qualities in ourselves and promoting them within our College, we can create a more empathetic, resilient, and connected world where we can better understand one another, navigate adversity, and thrive in the face of challenges.

As we continue to face the complexities of our ever-changing world, let’s remember that empathy and resilience are not just nice-to-haves but essential tools for building a brighter and more harmonious future.

Reminder: Day for Daniel, Friday 27 October, 2023

PoP College is participating in Day for Daniel; a National Day of Action for raising awareness of child safety, protection and prevention.

On the Junior Campus, class teachers and our Year 6 leaders have planned some special activities and events for the day to help make a positive and memorable learning experience.

Our Middle & Senior Campus will be having a safety focus for the week and celebrating at lunchtime by having a Battle of the Bands competition organised by our College Captains and Mrs Brady.

On this day on the Junior Campus students and parents are encouraged to come dressed wearing something red and bring a gold coin donation. On the Middle and Senior Campus all students are encouraged to wear a red accessory and bring a gold coin donation. All monies raised will go directly to the Daniel Morcombe Foundation.

We encourage all families to log onto the Daniel Morcombe Foundation Inc. Website and utilise some of the incredible resources at home. Our teachers will also be using these resources in the classroom


Coreta Lennon
Deputy Head of Campus – Junior

Free Webinar TONIGHT — How You Can Help Your Child Manage Their Time

Elevate Education will be hosting a free webinar for our parents tonight, Wednesday 25 October @ 6:30pm (AEDT).

Elevate Education works with our students, delivering high impact workshops on study skills, motivation, wellbeing, and exam preparation. By tuning into their webinar series you will learn how you can help better support your children at home through reinforcing the skills they learn at school.

In this webinar Elevate will be showing parents how to:

Align family expectations on homework
Work with your child on managing other activities such as your child’s hobbies or sports
Create the best weekly planner tool for your child

Register for free at https://go.elevateeducation.com/auschoolwebinars


The College has been notified that that the USB cable supplied by the manufacturer for the LED Flashlight Rechargeable Strobe Torch with strap purchased by some of our students as Father’s Day gifts, is defective in that it is unable to handle charging currents higher than 1A.

This means that if the USB cable is used in common third-party fast chargers, or high-power chargers, there is a risk that the USB cable could overheat and catch fire.

Moon & Back have decided to take urgent recall action to recall the USB Cable component of the product.

If your child purchased this product from the recent Father’s Day stall, we request that you contact Andrea Rhind or Rebecca Hitchenson.

Middle & Senior Campus News

A Lutheran way of living

Each year in Lutheran communities we recognise on the 31st of October; Reformation Day. This is a significant date in the life of the Lutheran Church and Schools; as it is the day that Martin Luther stood up for what he believed to be true and shared his ideas with the world. Martin Luther nailed 95 theses to the doors of Wittenberg Castle that begun the reformation period where the Lutheran Church was born.

I imagine this moment now in our social media landscape of Martin Luther tweeting his 95 theses on Twitter and it goes viral! It all starts with one person sharing their transformation in thinking and living through the word of God in the bible. Ephesians 2:8 speaks of the concept of Grace that is one of the dimensions for a Lutheran way of living; For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God.

From these scriptures Martin Luther said; to be convinced in our hearts that we have the forgiveness of sins and peace with God by grace alone is the hardest thing. These words reveal to us the grappling that Martin Luther lived with his life to go deeper; and in doing so a reformation started within Martin Luther. Martin Luther’s courage to live an authentic life can be an inspiration to us all as educators and parents.

So what does this mean for the young people in our care?

It means that our students will graduate from Prince of Peace Lutheran College experiencing grace through the interactions and experiences that their teachers, support staff and leaders co-create with them.

It means that grace will transform our students’ hearts and minds to extend grace to others. Through this they will be inspired to live an authentic life of meaning and service to others, using the God given gifts they have been blessed with.

World Teachers’ Day 2023

We are grateful to Martin Luther for his love and quest for learning that inspired a theological revolution over 500 years that sees Lutheran learning communities still thriving today. We are grateful to every teacher, support staff and leader who has responded to the call to serve at Prince of Peace Lutheran College and makes a difference each day in the life of the young people in their care.

We are grateful to the parents, guardians and grandparents in our community who entrust us in this journey and appreciate the work of our staff. Each of staff members co-create the community that Prince of Peace is from teaching to support staff. We thank you for making our staff feel special this week in celebrating World’s Teachers Day.

May the transformation of God’s grace and love in your life continue to inspire you to; Act justly, Love mercy and Walk humbly. Micah 6:8.

Every blessing for the week ahead,

Sarah Hoff-Zweck
Head of Campus – Middle and Senior

Living a Good Life in the Light

“A good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and an evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For the mouth speaks what the heart is full of.” Luke 6:45

Our Year 11 Religion and Ethics students have been studying and analysing the concepts of Good & Evil in recent lessons and what it means to live a ‘good life’ and ‘live in the light’ as Christians.  Each one of us has the potential to do good in this world – for ourselves, our families, our College, our workplaces and within the wider community.  This is not always easy and particularly for our young people, the shadow or darker side of life, with many societal evils, can present personal struggles and peer pressures that are difficult to face alone.  Together in powerful partnerships with families, we are the ones in our College community who tirelessly uphold and model the ten Lutheran values to teach our children and students the just and right way to do good and have “good stored up” in our hearts to share with others.

In her latest publication, Saving Our Kids, Madonna King tells the inside story of Taskforce Argos the expert arm of Queensland Police dedicated to rescuing children from online predators and sextortion.  Detective Inspector Jon Rouse headed up Taskforce Argos for many years working both locally, nationally and internationally to keep our children safe.  This week we celebrate Day for Daniel on Friday 27 October and engage with protective behaviours and safety information about face-to-face and online behaviours, promoting positive relationships and healthy friendships amongst students at school and when they are interacting online.  I encourage you to have a conversation with your young person about their interactions through messaging and photos on mobile phones to ensure these exchanges are positive and age-appropriate.  If you are looking for more information go to Keeping Kids Safe resources and eSafety Commissioner eSafety Parents.

It will be Band theme Free Dress day on Friday 27 October on Middle & Senior Campus for the  inaugural Battle of the Bands competition. Thank you to our College Captains Jasmine Everitt & Miles Chewe for organising this event with Music teachers, Mrs Brady – it will be fantastic in our new Auditorium! Bands will have red accessories to support Day for Daniel and all students need to bring a GOLD COIN donation for the Daniel Morcombe Foundation please – thank you for your support.

Melissa Graham
Director of Wellbeing – Middle & Senior Campus

Sports Score

Junior Campus Sport

NISSA Sports Gala Day

The final NISSA Sports Gala Day results showcased a fantastic mix of talent and dedication, well done to all student participants on their effort and contributions. Thank you to all our talented coaches for their guidance and encouraging words, as well as our wonderful parent supports coming along to show support. Selected by their coaches, well done to the below student recipients for the following awards for their Semester 2 performances.

Best and Fairest

Soccer – Zain Pandoz, Jack Fardon, Leo Watts, Annalise Richardson, Dante Curtis , Patrick Falk

Netball – Miranda Grindrod, Emma Spargo, Tim Cornford, Zoey Speed, Lillian Moseray, Lottie McKinnon, Bethany Franklin

AFL – Matilda Forrest, Flynn Zweck and Nate Taylor

Most Improved

Soccer – Alexander Jones, Aaron Caplice, Jackson Packer, Elliette Nicol, Ashton Philpot, Lukas Borgen-Hansen

Netball – Holly Griffin, Adam Camaroni, Lucy Dempster, Isla Anthonisz, Elizabeth McKenzie Fowle, Alira De Brabander, Milly Fletcher

AFL – Kate Hall, Elijah Diver and Alec Buchanan.

As we wrap up the last external competition day for the year, it’s clear that these NISSA Gala Day events have been a true testament to the values of participation and skill development in Sport.

North District Touch Football trials

10-12 Year Old Boys and Girls North District Touch Football trials (for the 2024 team) will be held on Tuesday 14 November, 2023. Early trial due to early competition upon return in Term 1, 2024.  Relevant information and forms will be sent home this week to Year 3-5 families. Please contact Mrs Schneider Via SEQTA if you require more information.

Netball Constellation Cup

The Constellation Cup is the netball series currently being played between the Australian Diamonds and the New Zealand Silver Ferns held at the Boondall Entertainment Centre.

On Sunday 15 October, four of our students: Matilda Amos, Indigo Hall, Amelia Butler and Arnica Hall, had the honor to participate in the Welcome to Country and National Anthem.

They were also involved in playing at half time.

Swimming Carnival Helpers Needed

CALLING: Parent Helpers would be appreciated to assist at the Year 3 – Year 6 Interhouse Swimming Carnival, Tuesday 28 November.

Please contact Mrs Scheider Via SEQTA as soon as possible, with your availability for that day to assist and any dietary requirements.

Thank you in advance!

Jessica Schneider
Junior Campus PE Teacher & Sport Coordinator

Middle & Senior Campus Sport

NISSA Results Season 2

Season 2 of NISSA kicked off at the beginning of Term 3 with all students across Yrs 7-10 taking part in one of the 4 sports on offer (Basketball, OzTag, Beach Volleyball and Football). The students have really settled in well with this new competition and staff have been impressed with not only the skill development but also the student’s willingness to have a go and participate in sports that may be out of their comfort zone. We achieved some wonderful results again this season, with a number of teams going very close to securing the winner’s medal.

Special mention to our 9/10 Boys Basketball team and our 7/8 Girls Football team who were runners up. Both teams had fantastic seasons and were unlucky not to get over the line during their final.

Well done to all students on a wonderful first year in the NISSA competition!

State Track and Field Championships

We had several students participate in the State Track and Field Championships last week at QSAC. Please see the results below. Well done to all our athletes!

Hannes Forbes-Schutz: 1500m – 20th
Jonas Forbes-Schutz: 1500m – 7th
Finn Sorpassa: 200m – 21st, 1500m – 4th
Grace Doyle: 400m – 1st, 800m – 1st, 1500m – 2nd

Gabrielle Collman
Middle & Senior Campus Teacher – Sports Coordinator

Music and the Arts

Junior Campus Music News

Classroom Music

Something to think about!

Do you want your child to be the next Taylor Swift or Ryan Gosling?  Well, it’s time to learn an instrument.  Swift has been learning guitar since she was 12, and Gosling sings, plays guitar, bass guitar, piano and cello.  (Is there nothing this man can’t do!?)

If you’re interested in your child having instrumental lessons in 2024, send me a DM via SEQTA and I’ll send you an enrolment form.  Cost is approx. $38-$40 per 30min lesson.

Instrumental Solo Night

The final “Music Room Concert” for 2023 will be held on Tuesday 14 November (Wk 7) for students in Guitar, Strings and Piano.  Tutors will send out a permission form early next week.  I’m happy for you to message me your intent to attend.

Junior Campus Choirs

Term 4 is shaping up to be a busy time for the Junior Campus Choirs.  Performances include:

  • PoP Celebrates – Thursday 23 November
  • PoP Carols – Saturday 25 November
  • Hills Community Carols by Candlelight – Saturday 2 December

A SEQTA message has been sent to parents regarding attendance at these events.

Should you have any questions about the instrumental, choral or classroom music program on the Junior Campus, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Sherree Cudney
Junior Campus Music

Church News & Notices


Sunday 29 October

9am Worship

5pm Together@5

Please keep an eye on the Prince of Peace Church Facebook page for service updates.

Useful Links

College Calendar

Note: On some phones, this calendar may be best viewed  in landscape view (ie turning your phone sideways)